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如何预防脚癣?How Can I Prevent It?

严重的脚癣能让把人逼疯。A bad case of athlete's foot can drive you hopping mad.

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运动员总会有脚癣,这我一点也不奇怪。I'm not surprised that athletes always have athlete's feet.

适用于脚气、脚癣、脚痒等真菌感染。Adapt to treat dermatophytosis, athlete's foot and feet tickle.

能治疗和预防大多数的脚癣。缓解瘙痒和灼烧感。Cures and prevents most Athlete's Foot. Relieves Itching and Burning.

趾间或脚趾头的感染,是脚癣中最常见的。Interdigital, or toe web infection, is the most common kind of athlete's foot.

其有益于高血压、心脏病甚至脚癣。They can help treat high blood pressure, heart disease, and even athlete's foot.

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在脚癣清除后持续治疗一到两周以防止复发。Continue treatment for 1-2 weeks after the infection has cleared to prevent it from recurring.

功效除脚臭、脚癣、汗脚、脚痒、香港脚、烂脚丫。EFFECTS In addition to Jiaoxiu, athlete foot, Khan legs, feet itch, the Hong Kong leg, Black Jiaoya.

脚癣通常可用外用的抗真菌药水治疗,更严重些的要通过口服药物来治疗。Athlete's foot is usually treated with topical antifungal lotions or oral medications for more severe cases.

由于存在那么多可怕的微生物,因而很难找到对付脚趾甲真菌病,即治脚癣的有效方法。With all those scary microbes out there, it's hard to get worked up over a toenail fungus or a case of athlete's foot.

约有半数患者有比较严重的脚癣,通常是单侧的,对局部治疗缺乏有效的反应。About half of the patients have more serious athlete's foot, usually unilateral, partial treatment of the lack of effective response.

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不过,一直与脚癣做斗争的所有人都知道,一旦被真菌沾上想根除它谈何容易。However, as anyone who has wrestled with a persistent case of athlete's foot knows, it's not easy to root out a fungus once it's taken hold.

由于这些特点,它可以治疗各种各样的皮肤疾病,例如痤疮、皮肤皴裂、烧伤、脚癣、头皮屑和湿疹。From these properties a large variety of skincare problems can be treated such has acne, cracked skin, burns, athletes foot, dandruff and eczema amongst others.

其中包括杀死园艺植物的害虫,引发脚癣之类小病的疾病,在我们的家里悄悄留下斑渍的霉菌。They include pests that can kill gardeners' plants, diseases that are responsible for ailments such as athletes foot and moulds that leave unsightly stains in our houses.