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一张这个课的签到卡?An AD card for the course?

活动当日付于签到到,接受现金。Pay at the door, cash only.

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签到表会传下去。The sheets are coming around.

尽管这样,请进来并签到。Nonetheless, please go in and sign up.

李先生直到昨天才签到。Mr. Li did not check in until yesterday.

你们想改签到什么时候?Sure. What time do you want to change to?

签到表在那,谢谢。Oh, there are sign-in sheets there. Thanks.

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下星期五你到昆仑饭店去签到参加一个会议。Kunlun Hotel next Friday to attend a meeting.

签到桌上摆着一些宠物玩具。There're some pet toys on the reception desk!

自动导出火狐3的书签到bookmarks.htmlAuto Export Firefox 3 bookmarks to bookmarks.html

来宾在签到薄上签名。Guests signed their names on the attendance book.

我签到后嘎吱嘎吱走过石子路来到我的房间。I signed in and crunched across the gravel to my room.

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这件事虽然没成,但两个月之后我们签到了C罗。That fell through but two months later we got Ronaldo.

你可以在这里修改谁能查看你的签到。You can change who views your checkins from this area.

输入法弹出式功能表新增位置签到功能。Added Location Check-in by Pop-up Menu of the Input View.

我能改签到一个提供晚餐的航班上吗?Could I change a later flight on which dinner is served ?

要求大会代表在站口签到。The convention delegates were asked to sign in at the gate.

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签到单包装过程也应与主设计。Single Signin process should also be wrapped with main design.

下星期五你到昆仑饭店去签到参加一个会议。You'll check in at Kunlun Hotel next Friday to attend a meeting.

在签到一半时羊皮纸上的内容开始变化。The writing on the parchments changed about halfway down the pile.