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这肉体只是一具皮囊!This flesh is only flesh!

我在我自己皮囊里感到怎样舒服?How comfortable am I in my own skin?

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我终于在我自己皮囊里感到了舒适。I'm finally comfortable in my own skin.

然后把我皮囊火化成灰!Then cremates my leather bag Cheng Hui!

狐狸穿上皮囊,然后径直走向他的老家。He put it on and went towards his native village.

它仅仅只是失去了纸币的皮囊,变成虚拟货币而已。It has simply lost its physical body, gone virtual.

我可以摸到外套里面背上那些老皮囊肿。I could feel the bags of old skin on his back under the coat.

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她们很高兴自己还能活在这副皮囊中,即使上面有皱纹。They're happy to be alive in their skin, even if it's wrinkled.

到了我开始在上帝所给的皮囊里变得舒适的时间了。It's time I start getting comfortable in the skin that God gave me.

当Jumbo再次造访伦敦时,它已是一副徒留皮囊的标本了。When Jumbo did return to London for a visit, it was in taxidermic form.

报告1例传染性软疣伴发表皮囊肿。A case of molluscum contagiosum occurring in epidermal cyst is reported.

果皮用暖水浸软,用小刀刮去皮囊,洗净。Soak tangerine peel in warm water till tender. Scrape peel to remove seed pouch. Rinse.

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你曾称她为朋友,那副皮囊下还潜藏着什么出人意料的东西?What other surprises might be lurking within the Jane-shaped shell you once called a friend?

检查1352只眼球的组织切片,发现198只眼球内有睫状体上皮囊肿。Among 1352 eyes examined histopathologically, ciliary body epithelial cysts were found in 198 eyes.

很久很久以前,一只狐狸发现了一只猎人丢在烈日里暴晒的狮子的皮囊。The Ass in the Lion's Skin An Ass once found a Lion's skin which the hunters had left out in the sun to dry.

中将一直是个脸膛红润的矮胖子,现在却憔悴得厉害,过去的大肚皮瘦得只剩松弛打摺的难看皮囊。He was a short, florid man, normally very fat, now very thin, the skin of his paunch hanging slackly in folds.

左子穆忙伸手去抓,可是闪电貂当真动若闪电,喀的一声,已在他右腕上咬了一口,随即钻入了那少女腰间皮囊。But it was so lightning that in a tick it had given his right wrist a bite with a crack and disappeared into her bag.

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蛾子的幼虫、地毯圆皮囊还有蠹虫是以衣服上的天然纤维为食的,造成衣服上的小洞或是部分衣服碎片。Moth larvae, carpet beetles, and silverfish feed on the natural fabrics in your clothes, causing small holes or shreds.

杰尼索夫微微一笑,从皮囊里取出一条散发着香水气味的手帕,向涅斯维茨基的鼻孔边塞去。Denisov smiled, pulled out of his sabretache a handkerchief that diffused a smell of scent, and put it to Nesvitsky's nose.

旅途中,我们三次经过乌浒河岸,在绑了充气兽皮囊的木头筏子上渡河。Three times in our journey we came to the banks of the Oxus. We crossed it on rafts of wood with great bladders of blown hide.