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立体测量学介绍。Introduction to stereology.

它是空间测量学专业船只。It is specialized in astrometry and survey operations.

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形态测量学确认粗有髓纤维缺失。Morphometry confirmed the loss of large-caliber fibers.

美国心理学家基克·鲁宾希望通过心理测量学来定义爱情。American psychologist Zick Rubin seeks to define love by psychometrics.

今天,天体测量学家再也不能对相对论问题置之不理了。At present, Astrometrists can not pay no attention to relativity any longer.

就测量学的角度来看,我推测现在的时间大约是三点半。Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.

颗粒粒度的测定已成为现代测量学的一个重要分支。Particle size measurement has become an important branch of modern surveying.

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心理测量学目前已成为心理学研究中的一个热门课题。Nowadays, psychometrics has already been a hot issue in psychological research.

每个相片解译人员都应当熟悉摄影测量学的基本原理。Every photo interpreter should be familiar with basic principles of photogrammetry.

它致力于与大地测量学和地球物理学有关的所有领域的基础性研究。It is concerned with basic research on all fields related to geophysics and geodesy.

地形图的测绘和应用是普通测量学的核心内容之一。Topographic mapping and application of an ordinary surveying one of the core content.

反常折射已成为传统天体测量学的主要误差来源。Anomalous refraction is believed to be the main error source for classical astrometry.

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验证性因子分析的指标均达到测量学要求。The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated good structural validity of SDQ.

天体测量学需要在相对论框架下重新建立自己的理论体系。A new theoretical system of astrometry in the frame of relativity ought to be finished.

介绍了用计算机进行大地测量学课程设计的方法和步骤。This paper introduces the method and process of geodesy course designing using computer.

天体测量学研究的是恒星的精确位置和运动轨迹。Astrometry is the study of the precise measurements of the positions and movement of stars.

为适应新形势人才培养的需要,对非测绘专业测量学课程教学改革势在必行。To meet the new situation, personnel training needs, on of Surveying Course Teaching Reform.

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该表的信度、效度符合测量学的标准。The reliabilities and validities of this test met the standards of psychological measurement.

数学方面,基本的算术和一点点测量学就足够了。Common arithmetic, and a little surveying, were the ne plus ultra of mathematical acquirements.

该方法既具有摄影测量学的精确性,同时也具有自定标算法的灵活性。It has both the accuracy of photogrammetric calibration and the flexibility of self-calibration.