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目前正在审议的该法立即遭到大量的口诛笔伐。The legislation, now under review, immediately came under heavy fire.

在阅读了这一网站的转帖后,许多网民对其丈夫口诛笔伐。Many netizens vehemently abused Wang Fei after reading posts copied from that website.

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亨德森又一次给那些喜欢挑刺的球迷们提供了了口诛笔伐的理由。Henderson again offered plenty of ammunition for those fans looking for a new whipping boy.

俄国人用口诛笔伐乌克兰的方式来纪念俄格战争一周年。RUSSIA marked the first anniversary of its war with Georgia with a verbal salvo against Ukraine.

国家操纵的媒体曾对她进行口诛笔伐,当局还曾缺席判决她犯有阴谋反国家罪。She has been denounced in the state-controlled media and charged in absentia with conspiring against the State.

然而,本周为反忧分子而受到口诛笔伐的世界权威组织还不止是梵蒂冈。In any case, the Vatican was not the only world authority under fire this week for giving heart to anti- Semites.

世界各国的领导对我们加紧了口诛笔伐,对我和总统来说,情况越来越明显了。Some things became clear to both myself and the president as the world leaders increased their rhetoric against us.

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中国山西临汾因环境问题日前再次被美国媒体“口诛笔伐”。The pollution problem in Linfen city of Shanxi province had again taken brunt of criticism from American media reports.

小组都没出现的中国足球沦为媒体口诛笔伐的对象。The group has not appeared the Chinese soccer degenerates into the object which the media denounces in word and in writing.

然而,曾先生新任命的这些官员,既像工资过高的实习生而被口诛笔伐,又受到政治的火热考验。Meanwhile, Mr Tsang's appointees, lambasted in letters columns as grossly overpaid trainees, have had a political baptism of fire.

房价高涨对当地政治不利,因此房地产市场正在成为批评人士对新加坡政府口诛笔伐的阵地。Soaring prices are not good for local politics, and the property market is becoming the battleground for critics of the Singaporean government.

这一个吐温惊人地极具当代精神,不论表现在他对美国军队海外军事干涉的痛心与愤怒,还是他朝华尔街大亨们的口诛笔伐。Whether anguishing over American military interventions abroad or delivering jabs at Wall Street tycoons, this Twain is strikingly contemporary.

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过去,英国的执行长总是对体育明星、流行歌手、电视名人的收入口诛笔伐。Moaning about sports stars' earnings, as well as those of pop singers and television celebri-ties, was once the preserve of British chief executives.

但是,他们对条款的公开批评却是克制而不激烈的,因为他们担心过激言论会导致法令制定者迅速的报复,或者让自己沦为“反对银行业”的政客们口诛笔伐的对象。But their criticism in public is measured, out of fear that it could prompt retribution by regulators or make them fodder for bank-bashing politicians.

随着火箭季后赛首轮出局,海底也迅速沦为球迷和专家们口诛笔伐的头号对象。With the Rockets out of the first round of the playoffs, the seabed and the fans have quickly become experts in speech and writing are the number one target.

他们被人剽窃,遭到出版商的剥削,被评论家口诛笔伐,被仿冒——他们的作品甚至被“盗版者”复制免费放到网络上。We getplagiarized, ripped off by publishers, savagedby critics, counterfeited — andwe even get our works copied by“pirates”who give our stuff away for freeonline.

上周的比赛由于糟糕的发挥,我们的西班牙国脚遭到了天空体育砖家小雷德克纳普的口诛笔伐。The Spain hitman was on the receiving end of ludicrous headlines courtesy of Sky Sports pundit Jamie Redknapp after our goalless draw with Birmingham last weekend.

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近年来,中国采取了许多措施遏制贪腐现象。贪腐已经成为人们口诛笔伐的焦点和威胁政治、经济稳定的主要因素。China has launched numerous efforts in recent years to curb graft, which is often a focal point of protests and is seen as a major threat to political and economic stability.

据路透社报道,俄罗斯花样滑冰组合多姆妮娜/沙巴林日前在欧洲花样滑冰锦标赛上以一袭"土著服装"亮相,引发不少澳大利亚土著居民的口诛笔伐。Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin of Russia, the reigning world ice dancing champions, caused outrage after dressing as aborigines at the European Championships, Reuters reported.

巴林国王可能也在获邀的40名外国皇室成员之列,不过这会遭到英国媒体的口诛笔伐,因巴林正经历多年来最严重的骚乱,示威活动和流血冲突不断。Among the members of 40 foreign invited royals is the King of Bahrain, a decision criticized by British media as the island kingdom witnesses protests and bloodshed during its worst unrest for years.