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我们来验证一下Well let's check.

应用程序已通过验证。Applications verified.

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验证邮政区码。Validate the ZIP code.

那么验证什么呢?So what do you validate for?

演示系统验证过程。Demonstrate system validation.

验证文件名与另存时所选名称相同。Verify the file name to save-as

不需要身份验证。Does not require authentication.

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现在再次验证您的站点。Now go validate your site again.

禁用基于主机的身份验证Disable host-based authentication

请坛友验证。Please Friends validate the altar.

因此验证可能会说,噢,代码没法运行。Why it's failing to work properly.

但是还缺乏更深的验证。But deeper verification is lacking.

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新的ccnet.config验证程序New ccnet.config validation program

对持久模型重新运行验证Re-run Validation With Durable Model

而这一技术还没有得到验证。Yet this technology remains unproved.

在这个示例中,验证失败。In this example, the validation fails.

投票系统验证数据。The voting system validates that data.

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验证和仿真工具。VST, Verfication and Simulation Tools.

用解析器验证枚举列表。Validate enumerations with the parser.

验证是否给出了该单词释义。Verify that the definition is present.