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带着侑京的孩子去找明子的静恩!Take the children to find yuko Beijing static Ming boon!

明子却误解那是静恩的女儿。Ming zi is static grace but misunderstanding that the daughter.

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王明子听完后有些犹豫,但还是答应下来。Wang Mingzi hearing after some hesitation, but still allow down.

得知原来韩侑京就是本人亲生女儿的明子!Learned that originally Korea daughter yuko Beijing is himself the Ming zi!

本文对决明子的应用方法等进行了总结阐述。Specific application methods of cassia seed are summarized in this article.

阳明子的生死智慧既具有深远的历史意义,也具有现实的应用价值。Yangming' wisdom of life and death is of historical significance and value of application.

许慧珊将新鞋和蛇药交到黎仲明手上,这让王明子很羡慕。Xu Huishan put new shoes and snake medicine make Li Zhongming hands, this let Wang Mingzi envy.

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阳明子的至善论本来属于儒家人性论的话题。The highest good theory of Master Yangming belongs to the human nature theory of Confucian school.

英祖晓得了幼景是明子的亲生女儿的事情,听到幼景把一切事情推给贞恩后惊愕不已。Yeongjo see young scene is the daughter atsuko young thing, hear the things on the scene after amazed zhen grace.

幼景照顾来到拍摄现场的寒星,英祖和明子得知后赶忙跑来。Young scene care to the shooting scene, plucking exceedingly senti-mental yeongjo and after running quickly learned that Ming.

Wishroom的执行董事奥宫明子称,她很惊讶竟有这么多男性寻求自己潜在的女性美。Wishroom Executive Director Akiko Okunomiya said she was surprised at the number of men who were looking for their inner woman.

英祖对明子和幼景的关系产生疑虑,晓得机密后跑去找幼景。Plucking exceedingly senti-mental For young and Ming yeongjo the landscape of the relationship after suspicious, know secrets running to get young scene.

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采用基源确定、外观性状、显微特征、物理特性对光明子进行定性鉴别。Uses the base source to determine that the outward appearance character, the micro characteristic, the physical property carry on the qualitative distinction to the bright child.

然而,命运之轮却开始了逆转,许多意外纷至沓来,而奋斗多年的目标成了虚假的谎言,梧明子的人生跌倒了谷底,他能不能战胜自我和命运,重新振作起来?However, many accidents happen, his everlasting target changes into a false lie, and his life falls down to the bottom. Can he overcome himself and the fate, can he pick himself up?

方法甲醇超声波、乙醇超声波、甲醇回流和乙醇回流分别提取决明子中的大黄素与大黄酚,高效液相色谱方法测定大黄素与大黄酚含量。Methods The emodin and chrysophanol were extracted by methanol or ethanol by means of ultrasonic or refluxing respectively. The emodin and chrysophanol contents were determined by RP-HPLC methods.