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解开那疑团并活下来。Solve the puzzle and survive.

我心里突然起了疑团。A sudden doubt came to my mind.

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定能解开我头脑中的疑团。Can ravel out what's in my head.

一个老笑话、仍然是个疑团。An oldie , but still a puzzlement.

此种疑团,当不会如此长久存在。You can not doubt your own existence.

我也不知道该如何解开这些疑团。And I don't know how to see my way through.

他读信后疑团消失。When he read the letter, his doubts cleared away.

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但是还有一些疑团没有解决。There are, however, still some puzzles to be uncoiled.

虽然他一再解释疑团仍然存在。The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanations.

就有这样一个疑团要解决,我们怎么理解这种案例?there's a puzzle as to how are we even to understand this case?

我脑中的疑团消释了,便注意地听他们交谈。As the mists cleared from my brain, I latched on to their conversation.

他当着全班同学的面澄清了他缺席的疑团。He cleared up the question of his absence in the presence of all his classmates.

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在我看来,这种可能性是存在的,尽管还有很多未解的疑团。Seems like, as far as I can tell, it's still a possibility that although there're a lot of puzzles here.

朱尔旦将陆判给她换头的经过说了一遍,才解开了妻子的疑团。Chu told her the whole story of how Judge Lu had changed her head. Chu then took a closer look at his wife.

亨利四世是一个新教徒,这是一个让他成为法国天主教教皇的历史史实的一个疑团。Henry IV was also a Protestant, a fact that made his ascension to the throne of Catholic France problematic.

这个问题已经成为一个疑团,怎么会有如此充足的物质能够送给这些宇宙中的贪食客,让它们膨胀到这样大的尺寸。It has long been a mystery how enough matter can reach these cosmic gluttons to swell them to such large sizes.

处理你理解的事情,与应对你不理解的疑团,这两者之间有着很大的区别。There's a big difference between dealing with something you understand and tackling something that baffles you.

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这里又产生了一种疑团-,甚至在我们探讨,这种案例有多普遍之前?There's a kind of puzzle there as to-- even if, before we move to the question, how widespread are cases like this?

通过面对面的交流,专家们可以教授农民关于种地的知识,帮助他们解决各种疑团和问题。By face-to-face communication, experts can teach farmers the knowledge on farming and help solve puzzles and problems.

当你遇到不同观点或看法时,与教授切磋一下,教授会为你解除疑团的。When you encounter different views or opinions, and discussions about a professor, professor for you to lift the doubts.