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转舵背风!Luff the helm!

例如,船只总是在背风一侧航行。The boats sails, for example, are always on the leeward side of the boat.

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首先,你要知道,在背风面很难说那里是安全的。It's difficult to say when it is safe to fly in the lee side of an obstruction.

背风坡降水日变化的二维数值研究。A two-dimensional numerical study on diurnal cycle of mountain lee precipitation.

沙粒被吹至缓坡,沿沙丘陡峭的背风面滑落。Sand is blown up the gentle slopes and falls down the steep lee side of the dunes.

所述箱体的背风面至少具有一个带有出气单向阀的出气口。A leeward side of the box is provided with at least one air outlet having a vent check valve.

从那里又开船,因为风不顺,就贴着塞浦路斯背风岸行去。And when we had launched from thence, we sailed under Cyprus, because the winds were contrary.

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研究表明,侧滑使机翼迎风侧涡绞合推迟,涡提前破裂,背风侧正好相反。Results show that sideslip makes twisting of vortices at upwind side delayed, but bursting of.

背风一舷,或在她的头朝风之际背风一舷,为船艇的下风舷。A boat's leeward side is the side that is or, when she is head to wind, was away from the wind.

贴着一个小岛的背风岸奔行,那岛名叫高大,在那里仅仅收住了小船。And running under a certain island which is called Clauda, we had much work to come by the boat

不同台风路径下,“角流”和背风槽的位置和范围不同。Along different category of tracks, the location and scope of "corner flow" and leeward trough were different.

火山的身高有机背方和,但即使是背风面可以买到株式会社风暴湿透。The taller volcanoes have dryer leeward sides as well, but even the leeward side can get soaked in a KK storm.

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当冷锋位于背风坡时,在暖区沿锋面上升的暖空气运动范围增大,可以出现沿锋面相间隔的多个上升区。There are multiple vertical upwarding zones in the warm side when the cold front passages in the leeward side.

而背风面风压因左右两半面对扭力影响为相加成作用,故在其扭力频谱会则出现风压频谱上没有的涡散频率尖峰。However, the contributions to the torque from the two leeward half faces are the same, the effects tend to add up.

除油流结果外,其它结果都表明椭球体模型背风面上的流动是不对称的。Except oil flow patterns, all other results indicate that flows are asymmetric on the leeside of the ellipsoid model.

阿鲁巴岛委内瑞拉海岸北面背风群岛中一属于荷兰的岛屿。An island of the Netherlands in the Leeward Islands north of the Venezuela coast. It is a popular Caribbean resort area.

风压,迎风面,背风面,上风,静压,动压,全压,热压。Wind pressure, against the wind, leeward, windward, static pressure, dynamic pressure, overall pressure, thermal pressure.

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在山脊位于背风面,这些都是灰丰富的物质可能类似存款,再吹出来的火山口。Located on the lee side of ridges, these are probably similar deposits of ash-rich material, again blown out of the crater.

圣克里斯多佛-尼维斯的首都,位于西印度群岛中背风群岛的圣克里斯托弗岛上。人口4,725。The capital of St. Christopher-Nevis, on St. Christopher Island in the Leeward Islands of the West Indies. Population, 4,725.

巴斯特尔圣克里斯多佛-尼维斯的首都,位于西印度群岛中背风群岛的圣克里斯托弗岛上。人口14,725。The capital of St. Christopher-Nevis, on St. Christopher Island in the Leeward Islands of the West Indies. Population, 14,725.