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脑膜上的伤如何解释?Any information of the meninges?

结果结核性脑膜脑炎患者脑脊液白细胞总数升高。Results The total leucocytes increased in CSF of TBM patients.

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结论聪灵胶囊能改善小鼠软脑膜微循环。Conclusion CLC can improve mice cerebral pial microcirculation.

并能改善血瘀动物的脑膜微循环障碍。TFK could improve blood viscosity and the meningeal microcirculation.

目的探讨脑膜型脑囊虫病的MR影像表现特征。Objective To discuss the MRI manifestation of pial neurocysticercosis.

各种病毒性因子可引起无菌性脑膜炎或脑膜脑炎。A variety of viral agents cause aseptic meningitis or meningoencephalitis.

真菌感染最常见的部位是肺,其次为口腔、脑膜和血液。The infective site were lung, oral cavity, cerebral meninges and blood etc.

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目的探讨转移性脑膜癌病的MRI表现特征。Objective To study the MRI finding features of metastatic meningeal carcinomatosis.

经血行转移至右侧桥小脑角区脑膜,并在局部形成肿块2例。Hematogenous meningeal metastasis of cerebellopontine angle area was seen in 2 cases.

筛孔内结构与颅内脑膜结构关系密切。The structures within ethmoidal foramina was closely related to the mater in cranium.

这和存在病毒的软脑膜以及脑组织感染区域相当。This corresponds to an area of active viral leptomeningeal and brain tissue infection.

脑膜瘤则诞生于脑膜中,而脊髓和大脑上都有膜片覆盖。Meningiomas arise from the meninges, the membrane surrounding the spinal cord and brain.

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目的观察慢性低脑灌注状态软脑膜血管组织细胞活性改变。To observe the cellular changes of the pia vessels after chronic cerebral hypoperfusion.

肌张力障碍,腱反射亢进。③脑膜刺激征。Flesh tension obstacle, tendon reflexes hyperfunction. ③ meninx stimulation is asked for.

目的探讨脑膜癌病的诊治方法及预后。Objective To approach the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of meningeal carcinomatosis.

目的评价一种简便的磁共振减影方法对正常脑膜成像的显示效果。Objective To assess the potential of MRI subtraction in demonstration of normal meninges.

特征性的脑膜尾征和软脑膜钙化也都可以见于两者。A characteristic "dural tail" and intratumoral calcifications may be seen in both lesions.

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含有黑色素成分的病变,如黑色素转移瘤和软脑膜黑变病。Melanin-containing lesions, such as metastasis from melanoma and leptomeningeal melanosis.

目的探讨脑膜癌病的临床和脑脊液细胞学特徵。Objective To explore clinical and cytological features of CSF in meningeal carcinomatosis.

目的探讨脑膜癌病的临床特征和脑脊液细胞学改变。Objective To explore clinical features of meninges carcinoma and cytologic changes of CSF.