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他会是同谋吗?Was he an accomplice?

他必须招出同谋的姓名。And he must name names.

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在这件事上,我们找到了一个同谋。In this we found an accomplice.

他让自己的上司成为了同谋。He engaged his boss as a co-conspirator.

他涉嫌为这次凶杀案的同谋。He is suspected as an accomplice of the murder.

内政部宣称她并没有同谋。The interior ministry said she had no accomplices.

他被指控为那些谋杀者的同谋。He was accused of being the accessory of those murderers.

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于是他们二人同谋,寻找一个能遇到苏撒纳一人独处的时机。They agreed to wait for an opportunity to meet her alone.

同谋使他们走到一齐,减弱比赛。Complicity makes them come together and attenuate the rivalry.

大众的笑是普遍堕落的同谋。The laughter of all is the accomplice of universal degradation.

他指责东欧的评论家为“极端国家主义的同谋”。He blasted East European critics as 'collaborators with Fascism.

可能,它的行为在同谋俄国和大陆之下。Maybe, its behavior is under the conniving of Russia and mainland.

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Ghailani涉嫌同谋据报道,住在该地址。Ghailani and alleged co-conspirators reportedly stayed at that address.

他是这起犯罪案的同谋,所以被判有期徒刑一年。He is the accessory of this crime, so he is also sentences to one year.

他在警察面前拖延了十分钟,使他的同谋得以逃走。He stalled the police for ten minutes so his accomplice could get away.

金姆告诉尼娜,里克并不能真正算是绑架的同谋。Kim tells Nina that Rick wasn't really a conspirator in the kidnapping.

红蜘蛛,领主,萨克巨人与袭击同谋共保威震天。Starscream, Overlord, Scorponok and Onslaught agree to follow Megatron.

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如果司机是同谋,那他这么做似乎不可思议。If he was a conspirator, it seemed inconceivable that he would have done so.

汕头市金禧鹤织造厂热情欢迎各地嘉宾携手合作,同谋发展,共创美好未来。Welcome you hand in hand and grow up with us, create the nice future together.

任何政府支持恐怖活动,就是发动对文明战争者的同谋。All governments that support terror are complicit in a war against civilization.