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詹姆斯·斯威尔钦羡山姆尔·森机敏的应答能力。James Boswell admired Samuel Johnson's power of repartee.

詹姆斯·包斯威尔钦羡山姆尔·强森机敏的应答能力。James Boswell admired Samuel Johnson's power of repartee.

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有些人千方百计使他们的家令人钦羡。Some people go to great lengths to make their homes attractive.

我们远远的注视他们,只能通过荧幕或舞台钦羡他们的风采。We watched them from afar, and admired them only on screen and on stage.

二十一岁他获得了一个不很高,但也令人钦羡的学位。At twenty-one he took his degree-a respectable degree, but not a very high one.

至今,当游客们欣赏和钦羡西湖美景时,可能仍会回想起这个民间传说。Up to now, visitors may still recall the story as they view and admire this scenic spot.

他选择鲍西娅为妻,是受人钦羡的,因为她也是血统高贵,而且秀外慧中。His choice of Portia as his wife is to be admired, for she is also of noble birth, mind, and beauty.

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不过,尽管我们钦羡这些成功人士,我们倒也未必要奉他们为楷模。But despite the admiration we feel for these achievers, we shouldn't necessarily look upon them as role models.

就在几年前,RIM还在消费者、员工和投资者中建立了令人钦羡的忠诚度。Only a couple of years ago, RIM had built up an enviable degree of loyalty among consumers, employees and investors.

究其原因,杨素如此,主要出于对江左文化的钦羡,其文风显然受到了南人的影响。The main reason is that Yangsu admired the river left culture and his writing style was obviously influenced by the southerners.

同样是人,只有尧舜等贤者能充分发挥优美完整的人格,成为我们为之钦羡不已的表率。We all are man but only the sages such as King Yao and King Shun can fully show their perfect and intact personality, which is our admired example.

是否人文主义者具有科技钦羡的情结,厌恶文字的虚拟性,而且科技人具有文化钦羡情结,厌倦了操作化与特化的机械性关系?Is it that Humanists have technology envy, tired of the virtuality of words, and Technologists have culture envy, tired of being instrumentalized as specialized mechanics?