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那么继承人需要自己掏腰包支付吗?Do the heirs have to pay this out of pocket?

更有利的是许多客户都是自掏腰包支付费用。Better yet, a lot of customers pay out of pocket.

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事实上,如果你可以,你会自掏腰包上奥普拉的节目。In fact, if you could you would pay to be on Oprah.

她被迫自己掏腰包付了账。She has been compelled to dub up out of her own pocket.

守财奴宁可打赤膊饿肚皮,也舍不得掏腰包。Misers put their back and their belly into their pockets.

连谨慎的德国家庭也在掏腰包消费。Even cautious German householders are opening their wallets.

不过,有一些玩家说他们计划掏腰包买下两个游戏。Still, some gamers say they plan to open their wallets for both.

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如果他们的借贷账册变坏,股东就要为此自掏腰包。If their loan books go bad, the shareholders will have to stump up.

你认为男女经人介绍初次约会时都要由男的掏腰包吗?Do you think that men should always pick up the tab on a blind date?

学校只让我免缴学费,其余还是自掏腰包。I have a tuition scholarship from the university. Otherwise I'm on my own.

假以时日,这会使他们不愿意再另掏腰包来买它-甚至花钱来买它。Over time, this makes them unwilling to pay a premium for it—or pay for it at all.

然而,由于超市常年不缀地自吹自擂,它们远比小铺子更能让顾客掏腰包。Yet the superstores, as they often boast, are far more efficient than small shops.

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显然,消费电子业的目标是吸引人们再掏腰包。Clearly, this is an industry hoping to get people reaching for their wallets again.

一个政府官员说,奥巴马要为聚会活动自掏腰包。An administration official said the Obamas would foot the bill for the celebrations.

“金正日在经济上,是很乐于见到中国为他掏腰包的,”他说。“Kim is very economically motivated to see the Chinese open their wallet, ” he said.

罗姆尼是一个有钱的商人,他自掏腰包,花费了数百万美元来资助他的竞选。A wealthy businessman, Romney spent millions from his own pocket to finance the race.

对他来说与其自己掏腰包来偿付公司费用,还不如越过大洋游欧洲去。He'd sooner swim to Europe than agree to reimburse the company out of his own pocket.

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合理消费的人们在为得到的某项服务必须付费外,不该再掏腰包。Consumers acting rationally ought not to pay more than they have to for a given service.

游人们愿意自掏腰包来欣赏或潮湿或干燥的热带森林、雨林和云林中的生命。Visitors will pay to see the life of wet and dry tropical forest, rain forest, cloud forest.

如果你没有被覆盖的话,一旦这些住院费用发生,你就损失惨重,你必须自掏腰包。Because if you don't, that takes a huge bite out of what you would — what you would have to pay.