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波浪飞溅到海滩上。The waves splashed on the beach.

戴好防护镜,防止物料飞溅。Wear goggles to avoid splashings. !

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热油飞溅出了油锅。The hot oil splashed out of the pot.

开始添加飞溅创造性。Start adding the splatter creatively.

山涧瀑布飞溅,百鸟啾鸣。Creek waterfall splashed Jiu birds sing.

免费下载飞溅建兴,享受!Download free Splash Lite now and enjoy!

穿上你的靴子,飞溅在水坑里。Put on your boots. Splash ih the puddles.

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血液向摄影机的镜头飞溅。The blood spatters against the camera's lens.

月光在雨里疯狂地飞溅流溢。Moonbeams splash and spill wildly in the rain.

高温,飞溅物,火花都可能会导致火灾和烧伤。Heat, splatter and sparks cause fire and burns.

飞溅的浪花灼痛了他们的伤口和肿处。The sea spry stings all their cuts and bruises.

焊接过程稳定,焊接飞溅小。Stability welding process, welding spatter small.

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锅里的热油飞溅出来落在了我的手上。The hot oil in the pot spluttered out onto my hand.

风冷,移动式,皮带传动,飞溅润滑。Air-cooled, shifting belt drive, splash lubrication.

他向前走的时候,水花在他的鞋尖附近飞溅着。Water splashed near his shoe-tops as he moved forward.

白色的冰冷的水在右舷一边泛著泡沫飞溅著。White icily -cold water foamed over the starboard side.

非卤素,不腐蚀,不飞溅,不起臭味。No halogens , no splash, uncorrodible, and without odour.

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飞溅的乐趣在与夏慕和西摩的海狮!Splash in on the fun with Shamu and Seymour the sea lion!

飞溅形式为大颗粒偏飞和小颗粒飞溅。The spatter forms include big and small droplet spatters.

糖浆会结块并且飞溅起来,这通常让人恼火。It may seize up and spatter and generally be disagreeable.