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真的是逃不过我的魔掌。There is no escape from me.

1940年6月,巴黎陷入纳粹魔掌。In June 1940 Paris fell to the Nazis.

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他一落入敌人的魔掌,就知道再也逃不脱了。Once he was in the clutches of the enemy he knew he'd never escape.

这个地方的街头流浪儿童常常落入毒贩子的魔掌中。Street children in this part of the world often fall prey to drug dealers.

他们发现一只受伤的大羚羊,它可能刚从狮子的魔掌中逃脱。And they've discovered a wounded gemsbok that may have escaped from a lion.

再来,他们把魔掌伸向旧教徒,我仍没有说话,因为我是一个新教徒。Then they came for the Catholics and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

你只需要再努力多一点时间,你就会逃离土星这个考验之星的魔掌。You only have a little more to go before you are done with this taskmaster planet.

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老天作证,八年来她曾怎样勇敢地与疾病作斗争,可惜最终也没能逃脱死神的魔掌。God knows she was a fighter, but in the end the disease won their eight-year battle.

他和文火伴们相依为命,想方想办法逃出魔掌。Slow fire with him and they had each other, want to party want to escape the clutches.

我们的人民都在凯尔萨斯和他的爪牙的魔掌下遭受了巨大的不幸,莉娅德琳女士。Both our peoples suffered greatly at the hands of Kael'thas and his agents, Lady Liadrin.

我相信这就是命运,我逃出了他的魔掌,而他本来可能奸杀我的。I believe it was fate that I escaped his clutches when he could have raped and murdered me.

在亲人的努力下,她终于逃脱了盖世太保的魔掌,举家迁往美国。In relatives diligently under, she finally escaped gestapo armor, family moved to the United States.

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虽然这些地区还未逃脱出人类的魔掌,但是它们已经获得了生存的机会。These lands haven't necessarily escaped the hand of man, but they have been given the chance to survive it.

二战期间,同犹太人,同性恋者和其他少数民族被纳粹谋杀的遭遇一样,约40万吉普赛人落入纳粹魔掌。During World War II, Nazis murdered roughly 400,000 Gypsies alongside Jews, homosexuals and other minorities.

他不计成本为求把你宠坏,最终目的就是要你永远逃不出他的魔掌。He regardless of costs for the sake of your spoiled, with the ultimate aim is to you forever though his claws.

该法措辞含糊,并且只适用于与侮辱伊斯兰有关的案件,无论是少数族裔还是穆斯林都可能落入其魔掌。The law is vague and applies only to insults to Islam. Minorities and Muslims alike are caught up in its tentacles.

他们完全无法再支配你们,因为你们已经完全了解他们企图把你们控制在他们魔掌下的计划。No longer do they hold sway over you, as you have become aware of their covert plans to put you under their complete control.

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有性繁殖通过在每一个世代扬弃产生新的基因混搭物,从而能至少令一些子代个体逃脱寄生群氓的魔掌。By throwing up new mixtures of genes each generation, sex enables at least a few individuals to escape the parasitic lynch mob.

在“汉斯和格莱泰”侥幸逃出巫婆魔掌后,这两个小孩出现了异常。“Hansel and Gretel, ” now in development, takes place after the two children return from their near-fatal encounter with the witch.

命悬一线之际腹黑少女能不能机智逃离神秘冷酷杀手的魔掌?Is the abdomen black during the life hangs a gleam of girl can does resource escape the evil hands of mysterious and callous killer?