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所以大家争先恐后去买房So, they rushed and bought houses.

到了目的地后,大家不由分说,争先恐后地干起来。On arriving there, everybody went into action in no time.

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这张图片上显示的是大量精子正在争先恐后地给卵子受精。Here's a close-up of a number of sperm trying to fertilise an egg.

也许是不甘落后,枣树争先恐后地吐出了嫩绿的新芽。Perhaps to be outdone, jujube scrambling to spit the verdant shoots.

游客争先恐后地给家里邮寄盖有特别邮戳的明信片。Visitors swarned to mail the special postcards with certain stampers.

事先听到有关此事风声的新闻记者争先恐后赶赴现场。Journalists who were tipped off about the incident raced to the scene.

“我们的竞争者正在争先恐后的试图复制我们的成功”他说。"Our competitors are scrambling to try and copy our success, " he said.

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那些人争先恐后地爬上汽车,以惊人的速度开跑了。The men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed.

天上所有的地子跟邦王皆跪在她的眼前,争先恐后地吻她的鞋子。And all the emperors and kings were kneeling before her kissing her slipper.

人人争先恐后,就是为了赶在房地产市场关闭前买到房Everyone was scrambling to get a house before they shut down the housing market.

乘坐公共汽车应先下后上,勿争先恐后,勿挤逼抢位。Should take after the bus , not to vie with each other , not bicheng bit crowded.

杜库发觉金队队员都在争先恐后地登上飞行器。Dooku noticed that the Gold Team members were all scrambling to board a transport.

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到了目的地后,大家不由分说,争先恐后地干起来。On arriving there, everybody went into action in no time. We dug square pits first.

一个个把裤脚挽得老高,争先恐后地踏进了清澈见底的小河里。One by one Lao Gao trousers rolled, scrambling to step into the crystal clear river.

不过中国、印度和日本都在争先恐后把他们自己的男女宇航员送上太空。But China, India and Japan are all rushing to launch their own men and women into space.

这样的例子强调了为什么人们争先恐后地开发地图技术。Such examples underscore why campaigners are rushing to make the most of map technology.

在印度尼西亚的雅卡尔特,一群男子正争先恐后地挤进入一辆火车,只为车厢里还剩的一点点空间。In Jakart, Indonesia, a crowd of males are struggling for a tiny space in a car of train.

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经理们争先恐后地为年轻劳动力提供咨询和自杀热线。Managers are scrambling to provide counseling and a suicide hotline for the young workforce.

在去往现代经济的争先恐后中,我们发展科技,修厂建房。Racing in the process for economic development, we built for factories, modernize technology.

工人们争先恐后地完成包装上的老铁路路基上污垢一个临时防洪堤。Workers are rushing to complete a makeshift levee by packing dirt on top of an old railroad bed.