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总统将在9点向大众致词。The president will address the crowd at nine o’clock.

罗斯科·海沃德和亚历克斯·范德沃特将向董事会致词。Roscoe Heyward and Alex Vandervoort would address the board.

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招待会上,驻塞舌尔大使王卫国致词对前来出席招待会的嘉宾表示热烈欢迎。Ambassador Yang extended to the guests his festive greetings.

内塔尼亚胡向以色列人发表犹太新年致词。Mr. Netanyahu spoke to Israelis in a Jewish New Year's address.

首先是主持人东南大学软件学院院长邓建明博士上台致词。Firstly, the host, the Dean of School of Software gave a speech.

主席天猛公刘金荣在2011年新春团拜聚餐会上致词时摄。Speech By Chairman during Chinese New Year Gathering Dinner 2011.

王文章副部长在开幕式上致词。H. E. Mr. Wang Wenzhang delivers a speech at the opening ceremony.

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国务卿在庆祝乒乓外交40周年之际的致词Message for the 40th Anniversary Celebration of Ping Pong Diplomacy

星期天是生物多样性国际日,联合国秘书长潘基文发表致词Sunday is World Biodiversity Day. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

每次获邀在典礼上致词,总免不了有一些招摇撞骗的感觉。Each time I give a commencement speech I feel like a bit of a fraud.

在检阅了仪仗队后,两国领导人先后致词。After the inspection, the two leaders made some remarks respectively.

在周五,另一个世界闻名的大人物会向法兰西民族致词。On Friday, another world-famous figure will address the French nation.

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立法院院长王金平先生先生,并致词。Legislative Yuan Chair Mr. Wang Jinping gentleman, and delivers a speech.

纽约州议员杨爱仁的代表致词。The representative of New York State Senator Allen Young delivers speech.

乔治亚农业厅长汤米致词说明台湾与乔州农业关系现况。Commissioner Tommy Irvin Speaks of the Taiwan-Georgia Agricultural Relations.

亲民党主席宋楚瑜先生,并致词祝贺。Qinmindang President Mr. Song Chuyu, and delivers a speech the congratulation.

在当天的揭牌仪式上,温州东信集团领导和洲际酒店集团领导分别致词。The leaders of Wenzhou Topsun Group and IHG gave the speeches on the ceremony.

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古晋中学重建委员会主席郭应茂先生致词。Chairman of Kuching High Rebuilding Committee, Mr Kuek Eng Mong, giving speech.

接下来我们请华侨城地产总裁张立勇先生致词。Next let's have OCT Properties president Mr. Zhang Liyong here to give a speech.

你在你的致词中说“发展卓越性是一个缓慢艰苦的过程”。You said in your address that "developing excellence is a slow, painstaking process".