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在这个城市里停车简直是受罪!Parking in this city is a nightmare!

大人轻心了不少,重要的是孩子不受罪啊。Heart is also very light, very long way.

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我的膝盖肿了,让我整天都很受罪。My swollen knee has given me gyp all day.

我很爱她,不忍心看见她这么受罪。I loved her, and I hated to see her so misersble.

不过,他们不必再受罪了。Yet they don't have to suffer anymore Mabinogi Gold.

如果我留在这里,我要受罪,如果去那边,我也要受罪。If I stay here I'll suffer. If I go there I'll suffer.

那么你就是判定我活着受罪,死后要受诅咒了?Then you condemn me to live wretched and to die accursed?

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熬过受罪般的采访之后,我们坐飞机回家和切尔西一起看这个节目。After the ordeal, we flew home to watch the show with Chelsea.

我实在不忍心看着这只可怜的动物那么受罪,您瞧他多瘦呀。I can't bear to see that poor beast so unhappy, and getting so thin!

马太福音中说他深受罪恶感折磨而上吊自杀。He may have hung himself, tormented by guilt, as reported in Matthew.

不可否认,少数产品的确存在质量问题,让大多数价廉质优的产品代其受罪。So that, make most of the cheap products with good quality as their scapegoat.

真够受。在这个城市里停车简直是受罪!咱们还是找个停车场吧。I've had it! Parking in this city is a nightmare! Let's look for a parking lot.

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说的就是,与其在大城市受罪还不如去农村闯闯呢。You are right. Suffering in the big city is not as good as working in the countryside.

长达几乎两周的假日,别人在快乐,我却好像在地狱受罪。Almost two- week -long holiday, in the happiness of others, but I seem to suffer in hell.

不可否认,少数产品的确存在质量问题,让大多数价廉质优的产品代其受罪。A few products, to be sure, are problematic, but they also discredit most first-rate, yet cheap goods.

那些极端份子都去死吧!!!!!!!!!!全是平民受罪!These extreme individual contribution all dies! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Allis the common people suffers hardship!

大多数男人感冒发烧、上吐下泻时宁愿呆在家里受罪也不愿去看医生。Most guys would rather suffer at home, wracked by fever, barfing their brains out, than consult a physician.

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当法国移民已经打算过得更好时,一些搬到了西班牙的英国人正在受罪。While French movers have tended to be better off, some of the Brits who moved to Spain are really suffering.

第二点,如果这一自传正巧在录取中起了决定作用,申请人在日后就容易受罪。Second, if the statement does happen to be decisive in getting a student admitted, he is apt to suffer later on.

就如上面所言,之所如如此,就是因为“你们”根本就没童年,但不意味着你们的孩子要和你们一样受罪。As said above, it's like, just because YOU didn't have a childhood, doesn't mean your kids have to suffer as well.