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日本参加核电站泄漏抢险的一名工人死亡。Worker dies at Japan's tsunami-hit nuclear plant.

一场紧张的抗洪抢险应急战再次打开。One emergency war against floods was kicked off again.

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经改进的螺旋锚适用于堵口抢险工程。Modified screw anchors are suitable to the closure work.

28万7千名武警战士已经投入到防洪抢险的最前线。Some 287,000 soldiers have been called into flood-prevention work.

灾害应急抢险救援能力建设。To strengthen the state capacity for emergency rescue and relief work.

谨向全体抢险人员表示亲切慰问和崇高敬意。I'm extending my hearty greetings and highest respect to all the rescuers.

救火船上的消防员叔叔有大量的配件和工具,任何抗洪抢险情况他都可以应付噢!The firefighters on board have lots of accessories and tools for any rescue situation!

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结论为及时有效组织救援抢险提供了一种科学方法。Conclusion It could provide scientific base for policy making of appropriate emergency rescue.

河南省省长郭庚茂已赶赴现场指挥抢险救援。Guo Gengmao, the provincial governor has gone to the mine to take charge of the rescue operation.

矿洞透水事故的发生,对消防部队的抢险救援工作提出了新的课题和要求。The accident of leaking water in mine tunnel gives the fire force new subject and new requirement.

唐家山堰塞湖坝顶抢险部队用太阳能照明。Rescue teams on top of the Tangjiashan quake lake dam are using solar power to illuminate the site.

中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理张德江向奋战在一线的抢险人员表示亲切慰问和衷心感谢。Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang delivered a message of greetings and gratitude to the first line rescuers.

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提示抗洪抢险对士兵没有损害,反而提高了他们的心理健康。It suggests that stressful anti-flood rescue doesn′t compromise but promote mental health of soldiers.

防洪非工程措施不适应防汛抢险要求。Non-engineering measures for flood control are inadaptable to emergency requirements against flooding.

我国是个洪涝灾害多发国家,军队参加抗洪抢险频繁。Almost every year, there are floods or waterlog in our country, and the PLA often fights the disasters.

同一系统的变化是观察在时序期间做好抗洪抢险和亚伯拉罕。The same system of variations is observed in the chronology of the period between the Flood and Abraham.

虽然可用的资源少的可怜,但贝宁政府在抗洪抢险上的表现比巴基斯坦要出色的多。Benin's government, acting with far fewer resources, outperformed the relief efforts of Pakistan's goverment.

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主要适用于抢险救援中的勘查服、处理腐败物体的隔离服。It is applicable to surveillance, emergency relief, decaying materials and the treatment of putrescent corpse.

成都铁路局职工在宝成线广岳支线什邡站进行抢险修复。Staffs of Chengdu Railway Administration rescuing at Shifang Station of GuangYue Branch of Baoji-Chengdu Line.

该系统能够协助铁道部门工作人员掌握实时抢险车数据,为抢险决策提供参考信息,从而提高指挥效率。This system makes people, vehicles and road work closely with staff to deal with increased ability to train fault.