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它是气态还是液态的呢?Was it a gas or a liquid?

这是液态的。xB So this is the liquid xB.

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六听一组的饮料完全是液态的。A six-pack is entirely liquid.

液态氮冰淇淋和纸杯蛋糕。Liquid nitrogen ice cream and cupcakes.

这种状态称为类液态。This phase is named as liquid-like phase.

液态冷却,单缸二冲程。Liquid cooled, single cylinder two stroke.

液态金可制成不同的形状。Liquid gold can be made into different shapes.

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液态氧是淡蓝色,温度很低。Liquid oxygen is pale blue and extremely cold.

所以这是纯液态上的分压。So it's partial pressure over its pure liquid.

处于液态的叠氮酸是很危险的。Hydrazoic acid in liquid form is very dangerous.

汞齐是金属在液态汞中的溶液。An amalgan is a solution of a metal in liquid Hg.

液态模锻是一种新的金属成形工艺。Liquid forging is a new metal-forming technology.

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液态的涂料会穿透这个布和模板。Liquid paint is passed over the cloth and stencil.

你如何避免夏季液态饮食增加体重呢?How do you avoid the summer liquid diet weight gain?

你的乐曲音流,怎能象液态的水晶涌泻?Or how could thy notes flow in such a crystal stream?

在较温暖、适宜的细胞体内,这种红血球凝聚素呈现液态。Inside a nice, warm cell, the hemagglutinin is liquid.

如果我们加能量给冰,就形成水,即液态。If we add energy to the ice, water, namely liquid form.

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服务舱的两个大气瓶中装有液态氧。Two large tanks in the service module held liquid oxygen.

一种液态药水,可以杀死真菌。It is a kind of liquid medicine , and can kill the epiphyte.

你把冰融化时,冰便从固态变成液态。When you melt ice, it passes from a solid to a liquid state.