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如果你要人帮助你,就不可言而无信。Don't break your word if you want help.

如果政府言而无信那还有什么用?What is government if words have no meaning?

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中国人不会言而无信像个小人。Chinese never go back on his words like a rat.

在日常生活中,我们不要与、言而无信的人打交道。Don't contract who fails to be honest in our daily life.

就像镇上每个人说的那样,你言而无信,还贪心。You are a crook like everyone in town thinks you are. You're greedy.

真是无赖,言而无信,如果下次让我遇到他非打爆他的头不可。Really rogue, does not count, if I met him until his first non-Dabao.

很快就觉得自己是一个很讨厌的人,对自己言而无信的人。Soon feel like a very nasty person, acting in bad faith of their own people.

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布坎南说他反对布什的主要原因之一就是布什的言而无信。Buchanan stated that Bush's reversal was one of his main reasons for opposing Bush.

说过的话一定要做到,即使那是很蠢的话,可是再蠢也比言而无信好。本文来自一点点语录网。Said we must do, even if it is very silly, but more stupid than fail to keep faith.

说过的话一定要做到,即使是很蠢的话,再蠢的话也比言而无信好。Said and be sure to do, even the very silly, again silly than promises were made to be broken.

失败者常常言而无信。成功者总是言出必行。——丹尼斯魏特利Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep. Denis Waitley

如果布什时期毫无意义的阶层区分给了公众一个教训的话,那么言而无信带给人们的伤害将会更大。If one lesson from the wasted Bush years is that needless division is bad, another is that incompetence is perhaps even worse.

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若被黑道上人耻笑他们言而无信,不讲义气,那比杀了他们还难以忍受。If drive person of mafia sneer at them to talk but have no letter, not handout spirit, that than killed them still hard bear with.

但从朝日新闻8月3日登载的一则民意投票中可看出,多年来的言而无信已让选民麻木,对此无动于衷。But after years of broken promises, voters appear to be unimpressed, according to a poll published on Monday August 3rd by Asahi Shimbun.

这种周而复始的循环会产生压倒性的积极的结果。但是,只要你是言而无信的循环,那么你的自由职业生涯就会完全终结。This perpetual cycle will produce overwhelmingly positive results. The opposite, however, can go so far as to kill your freelance business altogether.

民主党人会在争取政党提名时会偶尔使用“言而无信”这个词,但这个词第一次大量使用是在布坎南对布什的初选大战中。The reversal was occasionally mentioned by the Democrats seeking their party's nomination, but it was first widely used by Pat Buchanan during his primary election battle against Bush.

现在的年轻人也许都熟悉网络,但是他们也要承担诸多指责,比如说无知,不善于沟通,社交能力低,脸皮厚,言而无信,工作懈怠,自我感觉良好以及对他人的需求漠不关心这些。Today's youth may be web-savvy, but they also stand accused of being unread, bad at communicating, socially inept, shameless, dishonest, work-shy, narcissistic and indifferent to the needs of others.