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这个原动力,就是“爱”!This motivation is love itself.

雅欣将原动力视为自己成功之道。Kylie cites motivation as the key to her success.

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运用你的影响力,这是变化发生的强有力的原动力。Use your influence.It is a powerful agent for change.

性爱是人生之爱的原动力。The sexual love is the motive power of keening for life.

而追求高薪水也依然热潮的原动力。The crazes for high salaries are still the driving force.

对精神性的追求是艺术发展的原动力和支撑点。Seeking after spirit is the impulsion of development of art.

您的任何意见,都是宇钧改进的原动力。Your any comments will be the driving force of our improvements.

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它之所以引人入胜,是因为它能幻化成源源不断的生活原动力。It is appealing because it can be switched into sinews in our life.

爱情的根永远结在性上,这也是我们生命的原动力。Love root itself in the sex and that's the motive force of our life.

第二部分阐述民主政治是总体战的原动力。The second part elaborated that democracy politics is the motive power.

心气是推动血液循行的原动力。The heart-qi is the fundamental motive power to propel blood circulation.

“小星星项目”的一个原动力是研究班级人数的影响,这个参数确有影响。Class size —which was the impetus of Project Star —evidently played some role.

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即便最高超的教学,也不如孩子自发的原动力能让他学得多。A child's motivation is more educationally productive than the most skilled teaching.

但是,请记住腿部肌肉的训练是骑脚踏车和跑步的原动力。However, remember that the leg muscles are the prime movers in both cycling and running.

尽可能地在这项长期任务中保持你的注意力、你的责任感、你的原动力。Do whatever you need to do, to maintain focus, commitment and momentum over the long term.

从某种意义上说,花县建县的原动力是当地的士绅群体。In some ways, the gentry group was the motive power behind the establishment of Hua County.

诗人的自我表现与张扬,是诗美创造的原动力。The motivation of the creation of poetic beauty is the poet's self-expression and development.

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肾阳相火是其他脏腑生理活动的原动力。The fire of Kidney Yang is the original force supporting other organs' physiological activities.

相反地,许多经济学家开始争论,说中国正在成为市场的原动力。Many economists had started to argue, to the contrary, that China is emerging as a prime market mover.

一个婴儿会觉得,世界是为了满足其所需而存在的,他是一切事情的原动力。A baby comes to think that the world exists to meet his needs, and that he makes everything haen in it.