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他慌慌张张的走。He walked in a flurry.

他慌慌张张把球掉了。He messed up and dropped the ball.

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她慌慌张张地走下楼梯。She went helter-skelter down the stairs.

他的胡子慌慌张张地在她脸上扫过。Panic's whiskers brush against her cheek.

他慌慌张张冲进了屋,撞翻了一把椅子。He skyrocketed into the room and knock down a chair.

还有一个半小时,我们无需如此慌慌张张。There are still one and a half hours to go , we needn’t be insuch a hurry.

隔三岔五就会慌慌张张地从家里跑出去忘记锁门吧?You may run out of your house and forget to lock the door once in a while.

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你吓到我了,我是说你现在的样子慌慌张张的。Monica, you're scaring me. I mean, you're all chaotic and twirly, you know.

这就像有了不正当关系,然后约会,像蜜月一般慌慌张张的。Its like having an affair, then they meet and its like a whirlwind honeymoon.

他慌慌张张地带着我走到地上的一个坐垫边,然后递给我一杯中国产红酒。He bustles me to a cushion on the floor and hands me a glass of Chinese red wine.

无需匆匆地确定关系,活慌慌张张滴找个伴侣。There is no need to rush into a relationship or be in a panic to find a life partner.

最后,当她终于到家的时候,整个庄园正在慌慌张张地找她。When finally she reached home, the whole estate was in a flurry of searching for her.

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我也慌慌张张的在里面找来找去,好像不找就会马上没有了似的。I hurried up for looking, felt that if I did not look for, the jades would disappeared.

一天清晨,卡门慌慌张张地唤醒了佐伊,说她的母亲整夜未归。Early one morning, a frantic Carmen woke Zoe to say her mother had not come home all night.

“你还是走罢,”琼基尔终于嚷了起来——嗓门大得让卡里太太慌慌张张地从楼上走了下来。"You'd better go now, " she cried at last, so loud that Mrs. Cary came downstairs in alarm.

到最后一分钟才慌慌张张地准备会给你带来很多压力。Scrambling around at the last minute to figure out what you are teaching brings on a bundle of stress.

你的生活开始忙忙碌碌,甚至慌慌张张,忽视了身边的朋友,忘记了春天的到来。You set out to live a busy And nervous life, neglecting friends around, forgetting the arrival of spring.

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下一个他就要吞掉我。这时候我看到一棵树。我冲过去,开始往上爬——慌慌张张地。I was sure he would swallow me next. And then I saw the tree. I raced to it and began to climb it clumsily.

也会下隧道去看,总比别人慌慌张张道听途说的好。Will also descend the tunnel sees, always listen to than other people panic nervous Zhang Dao the way say well.

珍妮远远就看见来人是谁,慌慌张张的走出穿堂,反手将门带上。Jennie came, and seeing who the visitor was, she stepped nervously out in the hall and closed the door after her.