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再则,你能认为真有此事吗?。And again, can you acknowledge it as true?

再则,也常有人说,理智不可太趋于极端。It is usually added that understanding must not go too far.

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再则,有迹象显示,汽车市场之外的需求也在回升。Moreover, there are signs that demand is rising outside of vehicle sales.

再则,大多数软件已经作为现有系统的延伸而存在了。Again, the lesson is that most software is done as extensions to existing systems.

再则,她和太子交往,也使敢追求她的男人变得少之又少。And with the crown prince in the picture, very few men would be willing to court her.

再则男人欺骗女人是因为他们不再有欲望。Another reason that I think men cheat is because they just don't feel desired anymore.

我认为她适合这个工作。一则她会跳舞,再则她喜欢唱歌。I think she's fit for the job. For one thing , she dances. Also she's fond of singing.

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再则,布什政府突然打击中国,也很难为其自贸协定赢得多少选票。Nor will the Bush team's sudden China-bashing win many votes for its free-trade agreements.

再则从作成的行政行为观察,违反何种程序将导致行政行为无效、得撤销或根本不生效力。Thirdly, an administrative act can be withdrawn or is of no force when it violates what kind of procedure.

再则,考虑到艾滋病研究不可避免地会产生争议,这又提出了一些难题。And, given that this is AIDS research, which inevitably creates controversy, some hard questions were raised.

再则,就须下界说的对象的内容来说,也没有什么必然性。Again, in respect of the matter or contents of the objects defined, there is no constraining necessity present.

再则,至此产生的免疫只能持续三至六个月,因此需要经常种痘。In addition, the immunity produced so far lasts only three to six months, so frequent vaccinations would BE necessary.

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再则,俄罗斯的绝大多数民众向来都很保守,历史上激进的改革者大多以气馁告终。今天的情况依然如此。The critical mass of Russian society has always been conservative, forcing radical reformers into frustration and dissidence.

再则,其他的学生及其家长们,要不就可能会集会抗议她的这种言论,要不就会因为她的这种心胸狭窄的言论而感到不安。Other students and parents might rally to her cause, or, alternately, they too might feel threatened by her bigoted positions.

再则,石油的定价和报价货币的变化并不会令产油国出口收入的使用方式发生很大变化。Also, pricing and invoicing oil should not materially alter what oil exporters do with the receipts, at least in the short run.

再则,当前我国被称为世界的工厂,许多企业从事制造、销售专利产品等经营活动。Moreover, China now becomes the factory of the world. Many companies engage in business activities like sale, product the patented goods.

再则,厨电行业也有技术门槛,要保守持续的发展也需持续的投入。Again criterion, hutch cable industry also has technical doorsill, want to guard persistent development to also require persistent investment.

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再则从2.4米到3.6米远的地方阅读充满屏幕的文字,是个极耗费眼力的挑战——这是一般人坐看电视的距离。Then there is the eye-straining challenge of reading screenfuls of text from 2.4 m to 3.6 m away --- the distance most people sit from their TV sets.

再则使用若干兵力于敌人后方,其威力特别强大,因为捣乱了敌人的运输线和根据地。Furthermore the use of some of our armed forces against the enemy's rear is particularly effective because they can disrupt his supply lines and bases.

再则,“优质优价”、“一分价钱一分货”的心理,也使制造商不能仅靠物美价廉取胜。What's more, the High Quality High Price, and You Get What You Pay for principals reminds the manufacturers that the SPQR strategy alone is not enough.