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我讨厌失约者。I hate no-shows.

我讨厌有人失约。I hate being stood up.

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你一定是有意失约的。You must stand me up on purpose.

我简直不敢相信你居然失约。I can't believe that you stood me up.

你最好不要失约。You'd better not break your appointment.

但是,另一个失约者也许更为重要。But another no-show was perhaps more important.

我因失约而向他表歉意。I apologized to him for having broken my promise.

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吉姆说他要去车站的,但他失约了。Jim said he'd be at the station, but he stood me up.

我希望你没因为我的失约而太生气。I hope you weren't too upset at my missing our meeting.

上次失约,我真是太失礼了。算了。I feel so embarrassed about missing our appointment. Forget it.

保罗甚至没有打电话给艾米解释他上星期五为什么失约。Paul didn't even call Amy to explain why he stood her up on Friday.

等了两个小时以后,约翰开始意识到海伦失约了。After waiting for two hours, John began to realize that Helen had stood him up.

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约好了见面她却失约,第二次了,我再也不想跟她约会了。After she stood me up a second time, I never agreed to go on a date with her again.

今天是蕊和妗的第一次失约,恐怕从此聚会也会中止了。Today is the first core and the box done it, I am afraid that from this meeting will be suspended.

你懂的——一直迟到,忘记你的生日,屡次失约——但他又总是道歉。You know the kind—late all the time, forgets your birthday, bails on plans—but he alwaysapologizes.

他答应过我红雪之日会回来,他一定不会失约的!He has promised that he will come back on red snowing day, he will certainly not fail to keep an appointment !

日全食,请于明天秀出你神秘的魅力吧,不要失约,不要让这么多你的粉丝失望。Eclipse! Show us your mysterious charm tomorrow, never miss the appointment and never let so many your fans down.

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相比之下,很显然,北美版是不同的全球模式,既是更大,失约退。In comparison, clearly, the North American version is distinct from the worldwide model, being both larger and heftier.

研究奥斯汀。科茨的历史小说“失约之城”及其中有关澳门的文学策略和历史描写。Study on Austin Coates' historical novel City of Broken Promises and its literary strategies and historical depiction of Macau.

智毅发现妻子拿出很久之前购买的智利旅游书,慧芸重提丈夫一次又一次失约于她。ZhiYi found his wife took a long time ago buy Chilean travel books, hui home to bring up again and again stood up to her husband.