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属于或关于古典主义的。Of or relating to classicism.

坚持古典主义的艺术家。An artistic person who adheres to classicism.

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梁实秋的古典主义文学理论自成体系。Liang Shiqiu' s theory of classicism is systematic.

岗顶剧院,这座新古典主义风格的建筑是中国的第一所西式剧院。Dom Pedro V Theater was China's first Western-style theater.

安格尔和德拉克洛瓦是古典主义画派的两个著名倡导者。Ingres and delacroix were two famous exponents of classicism.

这是新古典主义巴洛克风格的创作。This is yet another example of the late neoclassic baroque period.

勃拉姆斯是德国古典主义最伟大的代表之一。Brahms was one of the greatest representative of german classicalism.

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第四部分论述了新古典主义诗歌的意义与限度。Part IV discusses the significance of neo-classical poetry and limits.

舒柏特生活在古典主义和浪漫主义的交接时期。Shu Bote living in classicism and romanticism of the transition period.

此方案让消费者体验新古典主义风格的意境。This plan lets consumer learn the artistic concept of neoclassicism style.

岗顶剧院,这座新古典主义风格的建筑是中国的第一所西式剧院。The neoclassic Dom Pedro V Theater was China's first Western-style theater.

今天,在家居装修中又掀起了新古典主义浪潮。Today, reside in the home neoclassicism tide was lifted again in decorating.

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欧洲最纯粹的乡村古典主义,以乡村之名铸就的避世居所。It is the most purely country classicalism in Europe and a refuge in village.

审美快感在德国艺术的古典主义时期具有很高声誉。Aesthetic delight has the very high prestige in the German art classicism time.

为何艺术家要从文艺复兴的古典主义转到矫饰主义上来?Why do you think artists would change from renaissance classicism to mannerism?

不像在他面前最奥海古典主义,他不愿意透露姓名和隐私。Unlike most Olympian Classicists before him, he preferred anonymity and privacy.

在几乎所有的文学形式中,新古典主义者们都设定了创作的规矩与条框。Neoclassicists had some fixed laws and rules for almost every genre of literature.

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歌曲的主题“死亡”是浪漫主义的,运用的却是古典主义曲式。The theme of the song "the death" is romantic, but it uses the classic music form.

新古典主义文艺理论的产生不仅有哲学基础,还有政治因素。There's philosophy basis and political factors for the neoclassic theory's burning.

在十八世纪的中后期,洛可可式的艺术风格则由新古典主义的艺术代替了它的地位。In the mid-late 18th century, Rococo was largely supplanted by the Neoclassic style.