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她是一个传奇。She is a legend.

她是个传奇。She was legendary.

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传奇的缔造者。The stuff of legend.

别生我气,传奇私服。Don't take ill of me.

庆华,你真是个传奇!Kingwa, you're a legend!

传奇,还是讹传?Legend or Misinformation?

盛大的午夜传奇幕布开启!Biggest. Midnight opening.

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穆罕默德·绍尔就是一个传奇。Mehmet Scholl is a legend.

吉赛尔在巴西是一个传奇。Gisele is a legend in Brazil.

剧情是关于麦克罗斯传奇的吗?Is it about the Macross saga?

那种树总是传奇世界私服很伤心?。What tree is always very sad?

胜利滴一半是尽力,网通热血传奇私服。Half a successed is hard work.

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昨天他传奇世界生病了。He suddenly fell ill yesterday.

克尼什是个纽约传奇人物。Joey Knish is a New York legend.

车神回来了。传奇人物将再次出赛。The God of racing has come back.

石上之名,传奇之魂。Name in stone, spirits of legend.

言而,那只是一个传奇。Speech but, that's just a legend.

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第五,关于巴克利的传奇。Fifthly, there's Buckley's legacy.

石上之名,传奇之魂。Names in stone, spirits of legend.

他绝对是一个传奇人物。who's just a legend, absolute god.