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最初派遣了蹩脚的领导人去那里运作警力不足的警察特派团。Duff leaders were sent at first to run the inadequate police mission.

专案组见时机成熟,马上调集警力展开围捕行动。Team see the time is ripe, immediately start mobilizing police officer.

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屋外只有两个警察和一条三只腿的瘸狗曼露埃拉,他们是这里全部的警力。Only two police officers and Manuela, a three-legged dog, keep watch outside.

之后数钱军队周五晚开始介入帮助警力。Then thousands of army troops stepped in late Friday to reinforce the police.

之所以产生这个主意,是因为现在当地警力人手严重不足。This idea comes at a time when the local police force is seriously understaffed.

周二,赞比亚在全国范围内部署警力遏制选举暴力行为。On Tuesday, police were deployed across the country to stem any election violence.

还有警察。警力过多一直是个问题。The police. There's always the issue that maybe the police a little bit too heavy.

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莲湖大队也有警力部署,我们会全力做好交通保畅工作。Lotus lake brigade also have police deployed, we will best traffic protect chang work.

谋杀发生之后,额外警力和巡逻警车部署在芬格中学外面。Extra police and squad cars have been posted outside Fenger in the wake of the killing.

他立即集合局里的警察,并用无线电报话机通知基尼附近的警力增援。He immediately summoned other officers, then radioed police in nearby Keene for backup.

据说铁路沿线这一段布置着一万警力。It is said that about 10 000 policemen are posted along this section of the railway line.

与信用卡使用者协商,看看是否能不借助警力就解决问题.Working with the creditors to see if a resolution can be made without police involvement.

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维持前线强大警力以遏止暴力罪案,并对高风险地点倍加注意。Ensure a strong police presence to deter violent crime, particularly at high-risk premises.

Somchai重申道,政府曾决定当天晚上对抗议者不使用警力。Somchai reiterated the government decided that night not to use force against the protesters.

每当来自同一城市的两支球队间比赛时,政府就会出动更多警力,用以防止冲突和骚乱。When there's a derby match, the government deploys more police to prevent riots and violence.

在莫斯科爆炸事件发生后,美国纽约在地铁站加倍巡逻警力作为防范。New York police doubled patrols of the subway as a precaution following the bombings in Moscow.

杀害六名警察的杨佳,被许多受警力压迫的人奉为名人。Yang Jia, who murdered six officers, is lionized by many who feel oppressed by security forces.

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交警部门表示,目前已经采取全局警力参与交通管理,确保拥堵路段、路口全部有警疏导。Traffic police department said all traffic police have been deployed to every road and junction.

近几周来,上海的机场和外国领馆区明显增加了警力。Security has been noticeably increased in recent weeks at the city's airports and foreign consulates.

加上从其他地方借调来的警力,伦敦街头的警察数量大约是往常的三倍,达到了1.6万人。Borrowing from other forces, the number of officers on London's streets was almost trebled, to 16,000.