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他是一位品格端正的公民。He is an upright citizen.

把画像挂端正。Hang the portrait straight.

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她是个品行端正的女孩。She is a girl of good conduct.

她是一个五官端正的姑娘。She is a girl of regular feature.

她的名字用大字体清晰端正地写在名单上。Her name was engrossed on the list.

要端正学习态度。Second, to correct learning attitude.

坐的姿势要端正。The posture of sitting should be good.

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你还需要有端正的态度。You also need to have the right attitude.

人人都说他是个品行端正的小伙子。Everyone said he was a decent sort of guy.

大多数细菌是行为端正的伴生物,真的。Most bacteria are well-behaved companions.

站立要端正,不可靠墙而立。Stand up straight, don't lean on the wall.

尊重顾客,态度端正,忠诚。Customer orientation, good manners, loyalty.

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不要那样缩头缩脑的,坐端正。Don't scrunch up like that. Sit up straight.

表演者必须衣冠端正。Performers must be in neat and suitable attires.

我给他们签字放行,保证他们行为端正。I'll sign them out and gua rant ee their good behavior.

已婚,身高175厘米,体重65公斤,品貌端正。Married, height 175 cm, weight 65 kg, appearance correct.

该同学积极主动,态度端正。The students take the initiative, with the right attitude.

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在学校里苏是一个行为端正的孩子,擅长体育运动。At school Sue was a well-behaved child and was good at sports.

品行端正的人,受人尊敬。A man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others.

但另一部分又怀疑,坐端正之后又会发生什么呢?But another part wonders what's next after sitting up straight.