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竟然有神妙的诀窍使火点燃?Should kindle fire by wonderful device!

它是如斯的丰硕而长久,精巧而又神妙!It is so rich and long, delicate and Shenmiao!

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它是如此的丰富而悠久,精致而又神妙!It is so rich and long, delicate and marvelous!

我神魂颠倒,目睹吸收了多少神妙之处。I was carried away, seeing, absorbing many wonders.

“性”清通神妙,却是可以认识的。"Nature" is pure and supernatural. It can be known, too.

天上的神啊,你那神妙的天才,何不献上贡品给这神圣的婴孩?Say Heav'nly Muse, shall not thy sacred vein Afford a present to the Infant God?

在那昙花一现的神妙的瞬间,人面对这个新大陆一定屏息惊异。For a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent.

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在生日卡片上写。孩子是上帝所赐的如此神妙的礼物。每天我都学习、感动、感谢。She wrote on the birthday card, "Kid is such a cabalistic gift from God. Everyday I learnt, was moved and grateful."

造化的神妙,像暗夜之深邃-如此伟大。知识的迷惑,如清晨的云雾。The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night-it is great. Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning.

然而,加芙列拉·米斯特拉尔最终却是借助诗歌这一神妙的艺术留下了难以磨灭的永恒印记。In the end however, it was via the delicate art of poetry that Gabriela Mistral made her most indelible and substantive mark.

我应当对你的神妙能力有更大的信心才对,请问你目前手里还有没有侦查的案件?I should have had more faith in your marvellous faculty. May I ask whether you have any professional inquiry on foot at present?

以汉字草书规范化、实用化为目标的草书标准化大课题正是凭借右老神妙的书法艺术而受到海内外炎黄子孙的重视与青睐。The big theme for the study on cursive hand standardization and practice that attracts attention and gains favor of the Chinese people.

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弗兰兹惟一的回答就是舀起了一匙那种神妙的药剂,份量约莫和他的主人所吃的差不多,把它送到嘴边。Franz's only reply was to take a teaspoonful of the marvellous preparation, about as much in quantity as his host had eaten, and lift it to his mouth.

画家神妙而自传式的设想,触动了广大观者的心灵。而其有力的色彩,更是富有生命力。His ingenious yet autobiographical conceptions are aptly able to reach a universal audience, striking in their astonishing colors that seem to bear a life of their own.

日食或月食往往会重组事物的秩序,因为宇宙以日食或月食作为最有力、最神妙的手段来打造匪夷所思的新形势,藉此我们得以继续成长。An eclipse will always shake things up, for eclipses are the most powerful and dramatic way the universe uses to create dramatically new conditions so that we all can continue to grow.

但他也是一个雕刻家,他用神妙的技艺雕刻了一座象牙女像,这是一座如此美丽的雕像,皮格马利翁欣赏着自己的成就,最后竟至爱上了它。But he is also a sculptor, he Shenmiao the skills of an ivory carving of the female image, so this is a beautiful statue, Pygmalion appreciate their own achievements, the last Jingzhi in love with it.