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阿纳金,你在干什么?隐蔽!Anakin what are you doing? Get down!

水底设置隐蔽物。Bottom of the water setting shelter.

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但这些信息仍然是隐蔽的。But that information remains hidden.

他在夜幕的掩护下隐蔽着。They did it under the cloak of darkness.

他们被迫到棚屋里隐蔽。They were driven to the hut for shelter.

隐蔽的地方开火逼他们走出来。We shot them out of their hiding places.

他在夜幕的掩护下隐蔽着。He was hidden under the cloak of darkness.

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半隐蔽在右前方的硬币口袋。Semi-concealed coin pocket at front right.

我们在一个小山丘的草丛里隐蔽着。We hid in a small brush on top of a butte.

但它在信息上来讲是非常,非常隐蔽的。But it's very, very secluded, informationally.

于是他们很高兴地在隐蔽的小洞穴里织起网来。So they spun and were glad in the sly little den.

他们发现了一个隐蔽的小港,抛锚泊了船。They found a sheltered inlet and anchored the boat.

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三楼的阳台上有一个7英尺的隐蔽墙。A third floor terrace had a seven-foot privacy wall.

他们在一个隐蔽的机库里追上了这名老绝地。They caught up with the old Jedi in a hidden hangar.

我们安全地藏在房间一个隐蔽的角落里。We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room.

所有的窃听器都安置到适当隐蔽的位置上了。All the bugs were spotted at their suitable positions.

独特隐蔽机械锁头设计。Unique and cover-up design for mechanical locking head.

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这在我看来是公开与隐蔽失忆的表现。It seemed to me an image of amnesia, public and private.

这漂亮的一对也欣然地隐蔽自己。And this faire couple eke to shroud themselves were fain.

拉稀选择了一个圆舞曲似的航线,他想要速度和隐蔽。Lash danced a fine line. He wanted speed and invisibility.