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他们去鸣不平的放弃原主张小山。They went grumbling back down the hill.

他在报纸上为自己鸣不平。He aired his grievance in the newspaper.

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他们对所受的待遇鸣不平。They murmured at the treatment they had received.

什么也不能阻止他鸣不平。Nothing would prevent him speaking out against injustice.

为何自己不能多为近代的中东战争鸣不平呢?Why don't you protest more about the current war in the Middle East?

当然,关于这件悬案,说法颇多,大多是为兔子鸣不平。Certainly hang a case concerning this, parlance rather many, mostly is a rabbit Ming gravamen.

从中学起我就时不时地区看顾问,但是这个女人非常奇妙,当我觉得受到伤害时,她便会跳出来为我鸣不平。I'd seen counselors on and off since middle school, but this woman was fantastic and got angry for me when I felt hurt.

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哦,“她是想用她纤弱的声音为我鸣不平”我这么想,不由地心里有点感动而鼓起勇气去看她。Oh, she intends to speak out the truth, for me, using her voice of frailty. " I thought and was encouraged to see her."

在万家香唐糖知道评审做假的替唐正鸣不平,见程曦来了自己就先上楼了。In the tang dynasty of sweet sugar know review do false for TangZheng repine, see ChengXiLai himself before the upstairs.

但是中国也有为自己鸣不平的清单,首要的是美元的管理和外资在美国的投资限制。But China has its own list of grievances, topped by management of the dollar and restrictions on foreign investment in the United States.

因其忠心,他得到了人民的拥戴,人们为他受到的冤屈鸣不平,在阴间为其平反。Because of his loyalty and grievance, he gained people's support. All knew his grievances and wished that he would have a good luck in the nether world.

张大力选择这个题材进行绘画表达,也含有为他大哥辈越战士兵鸣不平之意!In choosing that as the subject of his work, Zhang Dali conveys his sympathetic feelings towards those brothers of older generation wronged by injustice.

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我替你鸣不平,孩子,我会在野人之爱总部的总机开设一个专线征集广大听众的意见。But I ache for you, kiddo, and so I'm throwing open the switch boards here at Savage Love HQ and putting out a call for advice from my resourceful readers.

这在部分中国领导人里形成了广泛的共识,他们为那些感到落在极其快速经济增长后面的人们鸣不平。It forms part of a broader awareness on the part of China's leaders of the discontented grumbling of those who feel left behind in the breakneck dash for growth.

邻居们好几次报警鸣不平,但每次警方都说这是人家家里的事,外人不得干涉。Neighbors called the police several times to complain. However, each time, the police told the neighbors that it was a domestic problem and that they would not intervene.

邻居们好几次报警鸣不平,但每次警方都说这是人家家里的事,外人不可干涉。Neighbors titled the police less times to complain. However, each time, the police talked the neighbors these it were a domestic problem or these you be to not intervene.

于是从1938年开始,全澳大利亚都会在1月26日当天举行规模甚大的抗议活动,为土著居民鸣不平,甚至将1月26日称作为“侵略日”。Dating back to the 1938, there have been significant protests from and on behalf of the Indigenous Australian community and the birth of the alternative name, Invasion Day.