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一艘汽艇向我们逼近。A powerboat was bearing down on us.

蒂姆·鲍威尔曾是汽艇比赛冠军。Tim Powell is a former champion powerboat racer.

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刚巧,有艘汽艇经过,拯救尚未逃生者。Happened, the vessel motorboat to save not escape.

听着宝贝女孩,我没有汽艇,但我可以让你在船上漂浮。So listen baby girl, once you get a dose of D. O. E.

船只入港可获得拖轮和汽艇。Tug boats and launches into the territory available.

如果我是驾驶一艘汽艇上的话,那么我就希望它是最快的。If I'm on a motorboat then I want it to be the fastest.

汽艇带上我们往高地方向驶去。The powerboat picked us up and headed to higher ground.

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汽艇带上我们往高地方向驶往。The powerboat picked us up and headed to higher ground.

头一回赶上这种事儿是在搭朋友的汽艇钓鱼时。I first encountered this when fishing on a friend's power boat.

客轮一抛锚,斯考比马上坐着警察局的汽艇迎了出去。Scobie went out in the police boat as soon as the liner anchored.

只要有一滴重露水,你就可以让密西西比的汽艇浮起来。You could float one of those Mississippi steamboats on a heavy dew.

汽艇很快甩掉了迪沙,岸上有阿唐和达伟,最后总算再次转危为安。Boat dumped dean sand, soon TangHeDa wei, o shore has finally turn again.

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平底船和汽艇参加了在威尼斯大运河沿岸举办的活动。Gondolas and motorboats took part in the event along Venice's Grand Canal.

睡莲静静漂浮的湖湾,现在成了汽艇的避风港。The bay where water lilies quietly floated is now a harbor for motor boats.

当天下午有一艘汽艇来接我们,我们将从前廊的屋顶上撤离。A powerboat was to pick us up that afternoon. We would leave by the porch roof.

港口服务设施只有修船、汽艇、医疗,其余全无。Port services and facilities only ship repair, boats, medical, and the remaining no.

这些是莫斯科地铁站,乌法城以及汽艇的旧照片。Old photographs of the Moscow subway stations, the city of Ufa and a steamboat cruise.

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汽艇回到了基戈马,并且会遵照命令在几天之后来接戴维。The motor launch went back to Kigoma, with orders to return for David a few days later.

埃迪·法华买了条新汽艇。他请我去看看这船怎么样。Eddie Fahrway's got a new steam launch, and he wants me to come up and see how it works.

查尔斯租了一艘汽艇到格林威治河段,在那儿他买了一顿排骨加奶酪的午餐。Charles chartered a launch to Greenwich Reach where he purchased a lunch of chops and cheese.