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互利主义和亲族选择是两个主要理论。Reciprocal altruism and kin selection are the two main theories.

附近居民大都知道这些孩子背景和亲族。The neighbors usually know the children's backgrounds and extended families.

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原始的日耳曼的自主的财产是被严格地保留给其亲族的。The primitive German or allodial property is strictly reserved to the kindred.

高地贵族剑士为苏格兰高地或岛屿上部落首领及亲族组成。These are the clan leaders and their kinsfolk from the highlands and isles of Scotland.

问候我的亲族希罗天。问候拿其舒家中在主里的人。SaluteHerodionmy kinsman. Greet themthatbeof thehouseholdof Narcissus, which are inthe Lord.

心理学家提出了一种可能的解释,称之为“亲族选择”假说。One possible explanation is what evolutionary psychologists call the "kin selection hypothesis."

这举世闻名的紫禁城,曾经是帝王、后妃和亲族居住的地方。This is the world-famous Forbidden city where once emperors, empresses and their families lived.

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但另外一方面,担当亲族的申屠象征着某日我也要挽救世界。On the other hand, living up to the family name means that I'm supposed to save the world someday.

拿俄米的丈夫以利米勒的亲族中,有一个人名叫波阿斯,是一个大财主。Now Naomi had a relative of her husband's, a worthy man of the clan of Elimelech, whose name was Boaz.

在约纳堂统一自己的国家,作了他们的大司祭,归到他亲族那里之后。And Jonathan gathered together his nation, and was made their high priest, and he was laid to his people.

第二次约瑟与弟兄们相认,他的亲族也被法老知道了。And the second time his brothers had a meeting with Joseph, and Pharaoh had knowledge of Joseph's family.

亚谷和达们,以及他们的亲族,看守各门,共一百七十二人。Moreover the porters, Akkub, Talmon, and their brethren that kept the gates, were an hundred seventy and two.

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连你们的父母、弟兄、亲族、朋友、也要把你们交官.你们也有被他们害死的。You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death.

对他说,你要离开本地和亲族,往我要指示你的地方去。And said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall shew thee.

亚巴郎寿高年老,已享天年,遂断气而死,归到他亲族那里去了。Abraham gave up the spirit, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years, and was gathered to his people.

爱你孩子胜过你自己的根深蒂固想法,给亲族选择理论提供了可信性。The feeling that loving your children more than yourself is hard-wired lends plausibility to the theory of kin selection.

清明节是中国人纪念祖先的节日,主要的纪念仪式是扫墓。扫墓是追思先祖、敦睦亲族及行孝的具体表现。All Souls' Day, or Pure Brightness, is a day when Chinese remember their ancestors, primarily by paying respect at their tombs.

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这是因为男同性恋对于其侄子侄女具有利他作用,他们通过促进亲族的生存而间接促进了家族基因的延续,当然,这其中也包含一部分他们自己的基因。By acting altruistically toward nieces and nephews, homosexual men would perpetuate the family genes, including some of their own.

由于当地比较闭塞,受现代社会冲击较晚,走访婚和母系亲族家庭一直占居主导地位,母系制特点鲜明。So the visiting marriage and matriarchal family is still playing an important role and the society has typical matrilineal characteristics.

因为甲状腺疾病在亲族中流动,你应该向你的亲戚讲解你的甲状腺功效消退并鼓舞勉励她们去做周期性的TSH测试。Because thyroid disease runs in families, you should explain your hypothyroidism to your relatives and encourage them to get regular TSH tests.