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我的短裤把大腿磨得生疼。My shorts were chafing my thighs.

飞沙打得他的双颊生疼。The blowing sand stung his cheeks.

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他能感觉到珠子硌得手心生疼。He could feel the beads digging into his palm.

腿被桌子撞得生疼。I bumped against a desk and felt great pain in my leg.

飞驰而过的列车把把风声和树影都划得生疼。Flashed by the train, the wind and the shadows are planning to be raw so.

因为刚才说的话太多,而且说的又快,我的喉咙现在还感觉生疼。My throat was like raw from how much I’d said and how fast I’d felt compelled to say it.

如果感到眼睛疲劳甚至生疼,可以将化妆棉垫在玫瑰香水中浸湿,然后闭上眼敷在眼皮上。For tired or irritated eyes soak cosmetic pads in rose water and rest on closed eye lids.

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如果您感到眼睛疲劳甚至生疼,可以将化妆棉垫在玫瑰香水中浸湿,然后闭上眼敷在眼皮上。For tired or irritated eyes, soak cosmetic pads in rose water and rest on closed eye lids.

乔划船时晒脱了鼻子上的皮,长时间看书又害得她脑袋生疼。Jo had burnt the skin off her nose boating, and got a raging headache by reading too long.

那仅有的几次身不由己的麻木,只一盏茶工夫,便让内心的纯善扭曲生疼得想哭。That only a few in spite of numbness, only a we can only distort the Health inner pain cry.

我注意到在一个健身轮回之后我的手腕生疼,我猜是因为我比平常更有活力了。I noticed my wrist aching after a gym session, so I assumed I had been lifting weights with more vigour than usual.

无力的握手会令对方兴味索然,所以不妨先找一位朋友练习握手,确保你和别人握手时既不会令对方骨头生疼,也不会显得软弱无力。Weak handshakes turn people off, so practice yours with a friend to make sure it's neither bone-crushing nor wimpy.

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他听到这个消息,心里一阵阵被揪得生疼,拳头攥得咯吧咯吧响。He heard the news, and my heart was pulling too Shengteng waves, fist clutching have slightly Bar Bar ring slightly.

胳膊被男人的手指抓的生疼,她强忍着疼痛跟着她走下车。The arm is gripped by the man's finger of living bitter, she is strong to persevere pain to emulate her to step out of the car.

然后他醒了过来,感到僵直的肌肉生疼,从窗口吹进的山风刮得好冷。Then he awoke, in pain from his stiffened muscles and chilled by the mountain wind that had begun to blow in through the window.

我们的脚走得生疼,可是却不敢停顿下来——找到水比疼痛更为重要。We were developing severe sores on our feet, but there was no stopping — finding the water was more important than the terrible pain.

这些男男女女们不停地奋斗和牺牲,一直工作直到双手生疼,目的只是为了过上更好一些的生活。Time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw, so that we might live a better life.

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一天下来,手心早已被弹性极好的细细的尼龙丝拉的生疼,通红的手心上更是留下一道道印痕。One day down, the palm has long been an excellent thin flexible nylon Isla's Sheng Teng, is even more red palm prints left behind a Road.

镇南堡和我想象的全然不同,我懊悔一上午急急忙忙地赶了三十里路,走得我脚底板生疼。Zhen Nan Bao differed from completely what I imagined, I regretted, I had walked 15 kilometers in a hurry in the morning, and my sole was painful.

每当我把我的孩子放置在后排座位上的时候,我的双门版高尔夫安装座椅的轨道总会把我跪在地上的膝盖硌的生疼。The two-door version's seats are mounted on tracks that dug into my legs as I kneeled on the floor while buckling small children into the back seat.