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桃核。“Peach stones,” he replied.

我的桃核也在里面呢。My peach pit is inside it, too.

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来,你可以将我的桃核拿去。Here, you can have my peach stone.

“我得把桃核扔出去啊,”他解释道。"I had to throw out my peach pit," he explained.

没开玩笑,是真的。我猜想它还是没掉到车外面去,瞧!我的桃核也在里面呢。No, really. I guess it didn't fall out of the car after all. Look! My peach pit is inside it, too.

14日,瑞士举行了一场"吐樱桃核"周末锦标赛。A salivating field of competitors spat cherry seeds in an unusual contest at a weekend tournament in Switzerland.

有杏核雕、桃核雕、山核桃雕、橄榄核雕、天竹子雕与松子雕六类。There are almond carving, Taohe carving, carving pecan , olive carving, bamboo carving days, six birds and pine nuts.

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桃核油富含天然舒缓剂---脂肪酸,是质感轻盈的按摩油和身体乳液的理想原料。Being a rich source of the natural emollient, Oleic Acid, Peach Kernel oil is perfect for light massage oils and body lotions.

目的观察加味桃核承气汤及不同提取物对糖尿病大鼠心肌纤维化的影响。OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of Taohe Chengqi Decoction and different extractions on myocardial fibrosis of rats with diabetes.

结论桃核承气汤可以通过改善肾脏氧化损伤对庆大霉素肾毒性起到一定的治疗作用。ConclusionTaohe Chengqi Decoction has some therapeutic effect on Gentamicin-induced kidney lesion through alleviating renal oxidation.

你知道么?杏核,桃核还有菠菜和西红柿秧可以导致狗狗生病。在很多病例中甚至是致命的。Did you know that the pits of apricots and peaches, as well as spinach and tomato vines, can make your puppy sick and, in large dosages , can even be fatal?

他们长着乌黑的美髯,头巾上覆着金币,长串的琥珀和雕花的桃核在他们冰凉的手指间掠动。They have straight black beards, and their turbans are covered with golden sequins, and long strings of amber and carved peach-stones glide through their cool fingers.

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幸福似乎和单纯有些关系,幸福是一种能从最简单的事物里——譬如说,从一颗桃核中——汲取快乐的能力。It would seem that happiness has something to do with simplicity, and that it is the ability to extract pleasure from the simplest things—such as a peach stone, for instance.

然后我再加点亚麻子,碎桃核,一滴或两滴纯蜂蜜,一些水果-蓝莓,树莓,草莓或者碎苹果。Then I add in 1-2 Tbs. of ground flax seeds, chopped walnuts, a drop or two of pure maple syrup, and some kind of fruit — blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, or chopped apple.