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而这一点,目前正在遭受镇压。This lot is now being squelched.

警察拒绝对其进行镇压。The police refused to evict them.

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叛乱最终被镇压下去。At last the rebellion was crushed down.

那场革命被迅速镇压了。The revolution was quickly snuffed out.

那次武装起义最后给镇压下去了。The armed uprising was finally put down.

因此,警察必须镇压这些自由。So the police must repress these freedoms.

那个杀人犯已经依法镇压了。The murderer was executed according to law.

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那暴动迅速被军队镇压住了。Thr riot was instantly put down by the army.

政府试图镇压反叛者。The government tried to keep down the rebels.

防暴警察开始对他们采取镇压行动。The riot police started to crack down on them.

她仅仅知道战争,战斗和镇压。She has only known war, conflict and repression.

很快叛乱就被李镒镇压了。The rebellion was soon was crushed by the li yi.

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镇压叛乱的最大经验教训是什么?What is the central lesson of counterinsurgency?

你无法镇压个人的权利You may not stamp out the rights of individuals.

军队奉召出动去镇压暴动。The military were called out to put down the riot.

一些亲藏抗议者被迅速镇压。A few pro-Tibetan protests were swiftly suppressed.

几天之内武装叛乱就被镇压下去了。The armed rebellion was quelled only in a few days.

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这是在巴林首都的又一次残酷镇压。Another deadly clash today in the capitol of Bahrain.

黑种人不服从戒严和镇压。The black population is defying curfew and repression.

军政府镇压了罢工的工人。The military government repressed the striking workers.