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所以,巴黎人民发现自己四面楚歌And, so, in Paris people find themselves surrounded.

投票结果也给四面楚歌的爱尔兰总理布莱恩•考恩解了围。The result will also be a boost to Brian Cowen, Ireland's embattled taoiseach.

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美国总统奥巴马重申了他的要求四面楚歌的统治者辞职。US President Barack Obama repeated his demand that the embattled ruler resign.

四面楚歌之时,正是你显露不凡气概与特质的机会。It is in times of adversities that your true character and qualities are shown.

原油价格下滑,哪怕只是暂时的降价,都可能重创本已四面楚歌的生物燃料产业。A drop in price, even a temporary one, could whack the beleaguered biofuels industry.

与国内消费的欣欣向荣相对应的是中国出口导向型企业的四面楚歌。As domestic consumption booms, China's export-oriented manufacturers are under siege.

作为美国第一大汽车制造商,四面楚歌的通用汽车仍旧面临着破产风险,因国会在周四晚间否决了140亿美元的救助计划.分析师认为,这些事件将造成连锁影响,波及面将会更远更宽.Analysts said the ripple effects of such a chain of events would be felt far and wide.

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周围都有好朋友的人,比四面楚歌的人不知幸福多少。——卡内基夫人。Good friends are all around, than the embattled people do not know how much happiness.

产品安全问题对于本就四面楚歌的中国玩具业可谓雪上加霜。For the Chinese toy industry, product-safety concerns have piled on top of other challenges.

还是说客,这么多的人来排着队来与我作对,我可是四面楚歌,鸿门宴是吗?Or lobbyists, so many people to be supplied to me and couplets, but I am besieged , Hongmenyan is it?

正在忙于来年选举的脆弱的联合政府目前正处于四面楚歌之中。The fragile coalition government that is up for reelection next year is literally besieged on all sides.

从美国到澳大利亚的十几个国家也在补贴四面楚歌的汽车制造商或汽车经销商。And a dozen countries, from the United States to Australia, are subsidizing embattled automakers or car dealers.

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财务大臣已经因为酒后失态引咎辞职,而首相如今也是四面楚歌。The country's finance minister has resigned after a humiliating scandal, and the prime minister is on the ropes.

顾问巴博先生,谁坚持说,他在大选中获胜,说是四面楚歌的现任坚决不投降。Advisers to Mr Gbagbo, who insists he won the election, say the embattled incumbent is determined not to surrender.

据分析人士讲,如果杜德雷先生这次能够成功的处理这些事情,那么他最终将完美的取代已经四面楚歌的海沃德。If Mr. Dudley succeeds in this assignment, analysts say, he could very well end up replacing the embattled Mr. Hayward.

如果没有他们的努力工作,我们的机构是没办法正常运作的,而让我们感到羞愧的是当这些人四面楚歌的时候我们却只能袖手旁观。We could not haveed without their hard work, and it's shameful that we've nothing to offer them in their bleakest hour.

董事会的雇主和制造商协会的组织开除了四面楚歌的首席执行官阿拉斯代尔汤普森。The board of the Employers and Manufacturers Association has fired the organisation's embattled chief executive Alasdair Thompson.

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这位四面楚歌的首相面临党内越来越大的压力,要求他在即将来临的7月份选举前辞职的。The embattled prime minister has faced growing pressure from within his own party to resign ahead of forthcoming elections in July.

表面看上去白云机场似乎四面楚歌,但是仔细分析之后,白云机场的敌人只有一个,就是我们自己!The surface seems to be besieged on all sides appear to Baiyun Airport, but after careful analysis, Baiyun Airport is only one enemy is our own!

辛格则四面楚歌,拼命想要保持一付政府廉洁奉公的场面,在野党早已虎视眈眈了。Raja, who may yet cost it an arm, is exultant, an embattled Singh is struggling to retain an image of integrity, and the Opposition senses a kill.