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她听到了片段的谈话。She heard santches of talk.

创艺盒子作品片段剪辑。A clip of Kinetobox's works.

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作为片段来导入子单元Import of subunits as fragments

另外一个片段Have we got another excerpt here?

那些片段都罘算。Those fragments do not all calculate.

片段的大小将小于或等于这个大小。Fragments will be this size or smaller.

这是段听有趣的片段,很有意思It's a fun piece I think. It's fun to do.

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一般来说这些是小片段Now in general these are small fragments.

这个实验的一些片段也在视频当中。Some of that experiment is also on video.

什么是在高度竞争的片段中的图片?What are the images in the cut footages ?

在公共场合中,这叫做“讲话片段”。In the PR world this is called “soundbite”.

第四交响曲,作品44,“交响片段”Symphony No. 4, Op. 44, Pages symphoniques.

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采用片段的形式提供内容。That content comes in the form of snippets.

后的童话,已成片段。After 80 fairy tale, already sliced section.

自定义原语和自定义可视化片段Custom primitives and custom visual snippets

下面是收集片段实绩的步骤Here are the steps to collect section actuals

宝贝,你瞧,宝贝,这就是我写的小说里的一个片段。Baby, you say, baby, this is part of my novel.

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这个电影片段是一个包含多样介绍的混合体。This clip is a mixture of a variety of intros.

“SOT”表示录音带或原声片段。"SOT" stands for sound on tape or sound bites.

这些片段我用来支撑我的断垣残壁。These fragments I have shored against my ruins.