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无论高难险阻,我们的高空作业“蜘蛛人”一马平川。Whatever happened, we work high above the ground like a spider.

远古时期的河水通常都宽广开阔、一马平川似的奔腾不息。Ancient rivers were typically just wide, sheetlike flows of water.

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我喜欢登山,因此我不喜欢一马平川的地方。I like going climbing. That's why I dislike areas that are as flat as a pancake.

当然,不管是哪种定价策略,执行起来可就没那么一马平川了。Of course, as with any pricing strategy, executing this one is not straightforward.

一马平川的农耕地延伸到起伏的秃山脚下,那山黄得像皮毛,我忍不住想去抚摸它们。Flat farmland bordered by bald and furrowed hills so furry-brown I wanted to stroke them.

我知道,我脚下的路不会是一马平川的坦途,前方等待着我的还有数不清的荆棘与险峰。I know that the road up ahead is not smooth, with numerous brambles and precipitous peaks.

诺福克有一两座小山丘,但除此之外是一马平川。There are one or two hills in Norfolk, but otherwise the landscape is as flat as a pancake.

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数千年来这些神秘的巨石孤立地矗立在一马平川的平原上,象远古时代的武士。For thousands of years these mysterious stones have stood in isolation like ancient warriors of time.

数千年来这些神秘的巨石孤立地矗立在一马平川的平原上,象远古时代的武士。For thousands of years these mysterious stones have stood is isolation like ancient warriors of time.

秀丽多姿的五山雄峙江边.点缀着一马平川的江海平原。Graceful five hills lie imposingly at the riverside, embellishing the boundless plain by the river and sea.

如同世上没有一条路总是一马平川,世上也没有一个人可以随心所欲。As no road on earth goes all the way on level ground, there's no person in the world who can do whatever he pleases.

在通往成功的路上,一马平川、一帆风顺只是一腔情愿,更多的是道路崎岖、荆棘密布。On the way to success, and Everything is going smoothly. only one chamber to the boundless plain, is more rugged and thorns.

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到过这里的人们都知道,这里田成方渠成网,黑土地一马平川。Know to the people that crosses here , here cropland set prescription canal into the net, black land a wide expanse of flat land.

这些极南边的纬度地区在整个地球版图中,是几乎毫无障碍一马平川的陆地,所以风力几乎不会减弱。There is little to weaken them, for these far southern latitudes circumscribe the entire globe almost without interruption by land.

这座顶部一马平川的山是经过六百万年风化而成,它是世界上品种最丰富的鲜花的品种大约有1,500种。The flat-topped mountain, formed by erosion, is home to one of the world's most diverse floral kingdoms, with nearly 1,500 species of flower.

比利时西部是冲积平原,像平底锅一样一马平川,到处是自行车道和车手,这里讲的是佛兰芒语。Sited on a flood plain, the Flemish-speaking west of the country is as flat as a proverbial pancake and cycle lanes and cyclists are everywhere.

这座顶部一马平川的山是经过六百万年风化而成,它是世界上品种最丰富的鲜花国度的家,山上花的品种大约有1,500种。The flat-topped mountain, formed by six million years of erosion, is home to one of the world’s most diverse floral kingdoms, with nearly 1, 500 species of flower.

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在一马平川的地形上,卡扎菲可以用空军视察、轰炸暴露在外的叛军,将军队部署在叛军撤退的主要路口。In the flat barren terrain, it enabled the colonel to observe and then bomb exposed rebel lines, sending his ragtag opposition positioned on main roads into retreat.

望望头上天外天,走走脚下一马平川,面对着满堂儿儿孙,了却了心中祈愿。Outside looks at the hope to ascend the sky the day, walks the under foot vast stretch of flat land, is facing the full house descendant, finished in the heart to wish.

这个曾经一马平川、烈日炎炎的弹丸之岛几乎没有一个定居居民,更不用说什么城镇了。直到20世纪60年代石油和天然气开始给该国带来财富。Until oil and gas made it rich, beginning in the 1960s, this tiny, scalding, pancake-flat peninsula scarcely boasted a settled population, let alone a town of any size.