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于是我的皮筏漂流梦就这样灰飞烟灭了。The raft dream was dead.

我可不想看你灰飞烟灭。I don’t want to see you in the ash heap.

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然而,随着金融危机的到来,希望又灰飞烟灭。But then the financial crisis vaporised hope.

当初的种种蜜意,现在已经灰飞烟灭。The original variety of honey Italy, now ashes to ashes.

在这种程度上,所有的观点都灰飞烟灭了,科学也被弃之脑后。At which point, all bets are off and science is on its head.

然而,当他们暴露出各自的本性,爱的火花也会随之灰飞烟灭。However, when their true nature surfaces, sparks begin to fly.

但是投资商的看法和信心会在一瞬间灰飞烟灭。But investor perceptions and confidence can dissolve in a flash.

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一旦你采取行动,恐惧自然就灰飞烟灭了。More often than not, your fear will go away once you take action.

股东手中高达万亿的美元灰飞烟灭。Trillions of dollars in shareholder wealth have gone up in smoke.

曾经的信仰灰飞烟灭,一句话否定了所有的过往。Once the belief thease disappeared. i, a word denied all the past.

当所有预测都灰飞烟灭时,经济学家们也会这么说。Or economists, when all their predictions have just gone up in smoke.

她强大的武器装备可以轻易地让任何和她遭遇的护航舰队灰飞烟灭。Her range of weaponry could easily decimate any convoy she encountered.

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剩下画地为牢,这个荒诞的词,与我一起灰飞烟灭。The remaining prison, the absurd words, together with my ashes to ashes.

多少是是非非,多少恩恩怨怨,尽然刹那间灰飞烟灭。The number of right and wrong, how much rivalry, quite the instant ashes.

你的幽怨,愤恨,失败,嫉妒,都归于灰飞烟灭。Your guidges, resentments , frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear.

所以,当2004年四月27日那一天,他们幸福的生活在暴力中灰飞烟灭的时候,没有人能够接受这个事实。So when their lives exploded in violence on 27 April 2004, no one could quite believe it.

但现在很多投资者担心,受流动性推动的大宗商品市场反弹势头可能很快灰飞烟灭。But many investors are now worried the liquidity-fueled rally in commodities may soon be over.

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因为在一般的情况下,粘土会分崩离析,所有的信息将灰飞烟灭In the normal course of events, clay dissolves and disappears, and any message on it is erased.

这里的树木大多数被烧毁,其木材中存储的碳灰飞烟灭。Most of those trees are burned, and the carbon stored in their wood literally goes up in smoke.

而在去年,几乎每天都有一些物体从太空坠落到地球,但他们基本上都在坠毁过程中被烧得灰飞烟灭。Last year, one object a day fell back, almost all of them incinerating themselves before hitting Earth.