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他向来都很守信。He always keeps his word.

他经常不守信诺。He often fails to keep his word.

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重诺守信,诚信待人,扎根于澳门的诚利地产。One of the best real estate agency based in Macau.

诚实守信的奈曼人民期待您的到来!We Nai Man people are looking forward to your coming!

上帝的爱在守信的人那里得以完善。God’s love is perfected in the one that keeps His Word.

“城市守信”是我公司的立身之本!"City and trustworthy" is the company's moral character!

待人诚恳守信,工作积极,上进。易相处,具团队精神。Sincere, Hard working, Self-motivated, of team work spirit.

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不守信能影响我们的一生,它就在我们的生活中。Bad faith can infect our entire lives. We can live in bad faith.

诚实守信是中华传统美德,让我们将诚信薪火相传。Honesty is the Chinese traditional virtue, let us honest feelings.

我们重申我们的承诺,要始终守信于他们的家人。We're reaffirming our commitment to always keep faith with their families.

中心上门服务、名码实价、诚实守信,欢迎来电。Home services company, name code Nett, honest and trustworthy, please call.

老实守信、当真长进、干事塌实、积极朝上进步、业余喜好普遍。Honest and trustworthy, serious progress, work hard proactive, hobbies wide.

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待人真诚,细致入微,守信重诺,持续改善。Honest to people, focus in detail, committed promise, continuous improvement.

存在主义对自我欺骗的理解是不守信。The existentialist understanding of this self-deception is living in Bad Faith.

如果我们守信并且超出预期,其他的人则会称赞我们是天才。If we under promise and exceed our predictions, others will hail us as geniuses.

敞开城门、使守信的义民得以进入。Open the gates that the righteous nation may enter, the nation that keeps faith.

诚实守信是中华民族的传统美德,是立人之本、创业的根基。Honesty is the traditional virtue, Liren of this, the foundation of entrepreneurship.

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所有这些都是生活不守信,逃避自己生活中的责任。All of this is living in bad faith, trying to escape responsibility for your own life.

其主要有四方面特色,即平等、守信、务实、开放。They share four key features, namely, equality, good faith, practicality and openness.

让大家更加公平的竞争市场,诚实守信踏实作事的习惯。To make everyone more fair competitive market, honest and trustworthy practical habits.