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一具家用小燃气炉。A little calor gas stove.

家用镭射投影机-LinkHome Built Laser Projector -Link

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此影片为家用版,严禁公开播放。This video is for home use only.

你会用家用清洁剂吗?Do you use home-cleaning products?

我妈妈接洗衣裳活来帮补家用。My mother took in washing to help.

包括全面装饰的家用轿车!Includes fully assembled family car!

我们在家用咖啡渗滤壶制作咖啡。We make coffee in a percolator at home.

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北家用皇后吃掉西家的杰克。North covered West's jack with the queen.

太阳能覆层产品可适用于家用吗?Can I use solar claddings to power my home?

广泛用于酒店宾馆家用等场所。Very popular used in hotel and other places.

刘泥鳅看中了湖边珍珠家用过的小舟。Liu loach took the boat lake pearl household.

随后他进入了正在增长的家用录像机市场。He then entered the growing home-video market.

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我认为大家用两节课可以写完它。I think you ought to finish it in two classes.

他们总是缠着他买一台家用电脑。They kept badgering him to get a home computer.

家用电脑的价格还要降。The price of personal computers will sink again.

DeGette自己也拥有一辆凯美瑞混合动力车及一辆凯美瑞家用旅行车。DeGette also owns a Camry hybrid and Camry wagon.

他在家用音乐和饼干招待她。He entertained her with music and cookies at home.

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这儿既没有视频游戏,也没有Wii家用游戏中虚拟的斜视眼睛。This was no video game, no virtual walleye of Wii.

琳达到超市买了家用验孕纸。Linda went to the store to buy a homepregnancy test.

你第一次挣钱补贴家用是什么时候?When did you first make money to support the family?