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河面突然变宽,形成了一个宽阔的河湾。The river opens up suddenly into a broad estuary.

深圳河湾污水截排工程投资超过人民币5亿元。Investment on Shenzhen Hewan Sewage Run-off is over 500 million RMB.

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一条蜥鱼在温和的骏河湾多沙的海底捕获一餐。A lizardfish captures a meal on the sandy ocean floor of temperate Suruga Bay.

隔着一条苏州河,与黄浦区为邻的闸北区苏河湾区域拉开新一轮改造序幕。A new round of reconstruction of the Suzhou Creek area in Zhabei District has begun.

影响河湾凹岸最大冲刷深度的因素众多,而且这些因素的关系是非线性的。Many factors of non-linear relationships affect the maximal scour-depth at river bends.

第二届中国星河湾大会开幕盛典在上海星河湾尽情绽放。The second China convention sagerala the opening ceremony in Shanghai sagerala heartily.

原文暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合在一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。The sunset glow floods the inlet of the river, blending with the hues on the horizon, and me.

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这家出版社指出,他们知道“河湾”的真实背景,但尊重她保持匿名的选择。The publishing house says it knows Riverbend's identity but respects her wish to remain anonymous.

透过矮小的杂树林我看见河湾,像蕨类植物叶子背面一样闪着银光。Through stubby spinneys of akeake I saw the bend of a river, as silvery as the underside of a fern.

在骏河湾,一串鞭珊瑚为伪装后藏在珊瑚虫中的两只虾提供了栖息地。In Suruga Bay a strand of whip coral provides habitat for two shrimps, camouflaged among the polyps.

看上去它们好似一丛纠结的电缆,实际上这是骏河湾中一个深海鞭珊瑚林。What looks like a tangle of gnarled cables is in fact a forest of deepwater whip coral in Suruga Bay.

原文暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合在一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。The sunset glow floods the inlet of the river, blending with the hues on the horizon, and merging the.

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几百年来游客一如既往地边用午餐,边看着河湾上来来往往的航船。Visitors can have lunch while watching boats criss-cross the creek as they have done for hundreds of years.

张河湾水库移民对环境的影响主要表现为对水土资源环境的影响。The environmental impact caused by immigrants of Zhanghewan Reservoir is mainly on water and soil resources.

位于苏格兰西南部的自治市,位于克莱德河湾上,为港口和制造业中心。人口56,194。A burgh of southwest Scotland on the Firth of Clyde. It is a port and manufacturing center. Population, 56,194.

瓦楞纸的回收箱,也被捐赠给查塔努加河湾节,从六月六号至14号。Corrugated recycling bins also have been donated to the Chattanooga Riverbend Festival, running from June 6-14.

黄河三角洲从挑河湾到孤东临海堤北端是黄河刁口河和神仙沟行水期间发育形成的年轻海岸,为强蚀型岸段。Heavy erosion takes place at the coast of the Yellow River delta from Tiaohe Bay to the north end of Gudong Dyke.

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也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在觅食。Just beside the wonderful picture, a herd of sheep are searching food with their heads lowered at the river bank.

两位远离了现代文明和“游泳需穿泳衣”规定的测量人员,被冰河湾附近的这个小水塘所吸引。For two surveyors—far from civilization and its swimwear conventions—a rocky pool near Glacier Bay proved irresistible.

隆福·馨河湾地处胶州新城高端住宅区,与三里河城市景观带首尾相顾。Located in the high-end residential area of Jiaozhou New City, River Land Garden lies along Sanlihe urban landscape belt.