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昏黑的天空中出现一道彩虹。A rainbow rose against the dark sky.

在这�爱,爱上一天,尽管昏黑的。A place to stand and love in for a day.

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一阵突如其来的恐惧使她感到眼前一片昏黑。A fog of sudden fear cloaked her vision.

我的海盗船行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上。My Black Pearl on a dark desert highway.

昏黑的舞台,-悲剧与杀戮!Black stage for tragedies and murders fell!

没有电,没有光,没有晴朗的天空,暗无昏黑。No electricity, no light, no clear sky, dark dark.

一些窗户泛着灯光,但大多数昏黑灰暗。Some windows are lighted. But mostly they're darked.

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天空已经变得一片昏黑,我们只得在暴雨到来之前找个地方避雨。The sky had grown black as ink– we would have to find shelter before the storm broke.

立刻昏黑和幽暗降在他身上,他就来回摸索,找寻领路的人。Immediately a dark mist fell upon him, and he went about seeking people to lead him by the hand.

曾沧海猛叫一声,便觉得眼前昏黑,腿发软,心里却像火烧。Then suddenly there was a mist before his eyes and he felt a burning sensation around his heart.

行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上。凉风吹过我的头发。温馨的大麻香。On a dark desert highway. Cool wind in my hair. Warm smell of colitas. Rising up through the air.

到晚上七点钟光景,跟昏黑的暮色一齐来的,是总同盟罢工的势将瓦解。It was around seven o' clock in the evening, and the gathering darkness brought with it the prospect of the general strike collapsing.

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因此到了须要给车站打灯光阶段的时候,我们刻意加强了不少灯光,因为中央车站确实显得太过昏黑黯淡。So once our station got to the lighting phase, we beefed it up quite a bit because it turns out Grand Central is actually pretty dark and dingy.

药物的测试结果已经证实长期吸烟者较不吸烟者容易吸收更多的胰岛素,这会导致用者处于低血糖的高风险中,使得使用者头昏眼花以及暂时性眼前昏黑。Tests of the drug have shown that chronic smokers tend to absorb more insulin than non-smokers. That could result in a higher risk of hypoglycemia , which can cause dizziness and blackouts.