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欣然前往你会不会?Would you even go?

他欣然同意了她的计划。He sparked to her plan.

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刘琨欣然同意。Liu Kun agreed readily.

国王欣然同意。The king consents gladly.

她欣然同意我的意见。She agreed with me readily.

赌就赌,他的朋友欣然同意。Its a bet, agrees his buddy.

庞德先生是欣然同意的。Mr. Pound is quite agreeable.

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双方一拍即合,欣然同意了。Both sides hit it off and agreed.

四个修女欣然同意,然后一溜烟跑掉了。The four nuns agree, and run off.

锡金国王欣然同意了吗?Did the King agree to it willingly?

王师北欣然容许。King division north readily allowed.

哲学家为什么会欣然赴死?。Why the Philosopher Is Happy to Die?

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姜山目前已欣然接受了自己的新角色。Jiang Shan has embraced his new role.

我欣然地说好的,然后就挂断了。I said yes agreeably , and hanged off.

你走向十字架,欣然赴死You went to a cross and willingly died

那一刻,倒下的勇士得以欣然长辞。How had the brave who fell exulted now!

对此他欣然同意,并且安排了两天。To this he readily assented & two days.

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蟾蜍欣然接受了这个建议。Toad was delighted with the suggestion.

他欣然接受我的邀请。He accepted my invitation with alacrity.

老总从未嫌弃过我,总是欣然前往。Mister never abandon me, always glad to.