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这件风衣是他的吗?Is this windbreaker his?

我能试穿下那件风衣吗?I can try that windbreaker?

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你惹人的风衣。You make people windbreaker.

妈为了一件风衣在杀价。Mum bargained for a windbreaker.

她觉得那件风衣太贵了。She found the windbreaker too expensive.

与此同时,茜茜透露了穿红风衣的是萨拉。CeCe, meanwhile, revealed Red Coat to be Sarah!

是的,我的确有一件扎皮带的风衣,但是很多人都有。Yes, I do have a belted trench coat, but lots of people do.

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他的风衣能够很好地为他挡雨。His dustcoat provided him with good protection against rain.

他们买了围巾,棉风衣和皮鞋。They bought many scarf, cotton windcheater and leather shoes.

我想买一件风衣,以便使我看起来更帅。I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look more handsome.

她穿了一件桔色的风衣,一双黑亮的长靴。She wears an orange color dust coat with a pair of black boots.

我想设计用于滑雪和徒步旅行的风衣外套,And I kind of want to design like outerwear for snowboarding and hiking,

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Cathy喘息着转过身来,看到一个穿着风衣戴着一顶鸭舌帽的年轻人。Gasping, Cathy spun around to see a young man in a trench coat and a stocking cap.

今天风这麽大,外出时最好穿上你的防风衣。It's such a windy day that you'd better put on your windbreaker if you go outside.

防风防水短风衣,采用压条拼缝,可折叠风雪帽以及两只侧袋。Water repellent windbreaker with taped seams, fold-in hood ant two inside pockets.

只看见一个穿风衣外套的男人钻进车里,驾车快速驶离了现场。All she sees is a man in a trench coat step into a car which proceeds to speed away.

把小女孩的衣橱里的双排扣风衣的经典外观。Bring the classic look of the Double Breasted Trenchcoat to your little girl's wardrobe.

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比如,可以考虑在穿长款风衣或宽松运动衫时穿过膝靴。Consider matching your boots with a long trench coat or a baggy sweatshirt, for instance.

当我穿这黑风衣时,我花了一天半的时间投递了二十五分。When wearing a black raincoat, it took me a day and a half to deliver twenty-five papers.

风衣当道是对这一季流行趋势最有利的概括。Dust coat be in power is popular to this one season trend the most advantageous wraparound.