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十年光阴,一瞬即逝。Ten years passes in a flash.

那一瞬,我飞升成仙。At that moment, I became an immortal.

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我进去的那一瞬就感受到了一股热浪,The second I walked in, a wave hit me,

快乐不过是天空里绚烂一瞬的花火。Happiness is but a moment in the sky of.

例如在球踢出的一瞬,你需要这种帮助。You need a chip in the ball for example.

但是就在那一瞬,吉尔真的赢得了我的敬佩。But in that moment, Jill really won me over.

贪恋你的甜蜜,十年不过短短的一瞬。Cling to you sweet. Ten years only flashed by.

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贪恋你的甜蜜,十年不过短短的一瞬!Cling to your sweet, ten years only flashed by!

倾侧了一瞬,衬衫呼啸膨胀如气球Tilting there momently, shrill shirt ballooning

樱花盛开只一瞬,残败却一整年。The cherry blossoms only moment, but from a year.

当你抓到新吊杠的那一瞬,成长也就结束了。When you grab the new trapeze, personal growth is over.

美,不过一瞬,犹若那个浅浅的酒窝。Beauty can just stay a moment , like that shallow dimple.

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我是一颗流星,一颗从你指间一瞬即逝的星。I am a meteor, a heart from your fingers fiery stars star.

让我稳住自己,抓住第一个一瞬即逝的念头……To steady myself, let me catch hold of the first idea that passes...

在这一瞬息之间她仿佛觉得这一切都是如此简单、明了,易如反掌。It all seemed to her so easy, so simple, and so clear at that moment.

如今的时代,竞争越来越激烈,成与败,似乎只在考场的那一瞬。Take some time to find out more about the players other than their stats.

那些人会把那一瞬深深地刻进他的生命。Those people who always have that precise, instant stabled on their life.

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纵然是千年万年的爱恨都是不值得的一瞬!Even if the Millennium years of love-hate is not worth the blink of an eye!

这一瞬我的梦消散了,就像水消溶于水中。My dream was vanished at that moment like a drop of water vanishing in ocean.

我回忆,回忆着那时你一瞬的美丽。Irecollect, am recollecting the beauty which at that time you as soonas flickers.