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我的头痛又发作了。My headache smote again.

他死于心脏病突然发作。He died of a heart seizure.

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发病形式以全面性发作最常见。The most common form is GTCS.

那红疹又再度发作。That rash has flared up again.

有的癔病样发作。Some of hysteria-like seizures.

什么诱发哮喘病发作?What triggers an asthma attack?

老人疾病发作。The old man was taken with a fit.

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抽搐的动作、发作等。A convulsive movement, spasm, etc.

药力开始发作。The medicine began to take effect.

酒性开始发作。The liquor began to show its effect.

年轻患者出现痴笑发作。Young patient with laughing attacks.

那次肺炎的发作使她虚弱了。That bout of pneumonia enfeebled her.

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谁也不想发作这些倒运透顶的事。Nobody wants to have these bad things.

什么原因导致局灶性癫痫发作?What Causes Seizure in Focal Epilepsy?

她的关节炎每到冷天就发作。Her arthritis kicks up in cold weather.

静脉瓣也发作萎缩、硬化。Venous attack also shrinking, hardening.

但回家的一路上,伤痛依然隐隐发作。But all the way home, the pain ­remained.

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这个寒冷的天气使我的老伤发作了。This cold weather finds out my old wound.

会的,会以心脏病发作的形式炸开来!Yes they do. In the form of heart attack.

发作时的主要症状为自动症。Attack of the main symptoms of automatism.