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饕餮在前面!!!Gluttons are in front! ! !

你会读“饕餮”这两个字吗?Can you read these two characters?

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爱自助爱大口饕餮!Love self-service love big feeling!

物超所值的饕餮盛宴大幅降价。Great Value, the prices have been slashed.

他有时弄得饥肠辘辘且暴食如饕餮。Sometimes he gets hungry and eats like a glutton.

懒惰之罪只犯在饕餮和贪心之后。Sloth does not set in until after gluttony and avarice.

卡米拉和我都是饕餮,对我们来说这就是天堂呀。Since Camilla and I are food freaks , we were in heaven.

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“这真是老鼠的一顿饕餮大餐啦,”他说。"This was a perfect, perfect score for the rats, " he says.

他央求爱神赐给它生命。那饕餮便变成了马特洛特。He besought Love to give it life, and this produced Matelote.

这里还会举行中世纪风格的酒会,让我们酣畅的饕餮一顿吧!Plow through a big group meal at a medieval banquet held here.

它们可以尽情饕餮,但却不用付出任何代价。They had all the pleasures of gluttony but paid none of the price.

尝遍全球美食是饕餮一族的最大心愿。Tasting global cate is the greatest cherished desire of gluttonous gens.

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十一月下旬是饕餮假期的开始。THE FACTS Late November marks the start of the gluttonous holiday season.

结果是,这些投资者最后都分享到了饕餮盛宴。The result is, these investor were shared finally gluttonous fill a banquet.

也有专家认为,这种狰狞的饕餮就是早期的龙,是龙的一种变体。Some experts think that this is the grim early Taotie long, are a long variant.

现在人们都加入到疯狂购物的大军中,和贪婪的吸血鬼饕餮着鲜血无异。Now people go out in a mad rush to shop, like ravenous vampires feasting on new blood.

我就是喜欢饕餮语言盛宴,喝、吃、品尝、咀嚼并消化他们。I just like to feast on languages, drinking, eating, tasting, chewing and digesting them.

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于是香蕉的这种特质使之成为制作一款饕餮甜品再合适不过的理想水果。And it is precisely this quality that makes bananas the ideal fruit for an indulgent dessert.

法国女人怀了孕,正以此为饕餮的借口,每天猛吃五顿。The French-woman was pregnant now and made that an excuse to eat enormously five times a day.

对于爱车者来说,成都车展无疑是一次视觉的饕餮盛宴,让人大呼过瘾。For those who car, Chengdu Motor Show is a gluttonous feast of visual, people are screaming fun.